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I woke up suprising early. It was 5 am and I laid down staring into the dark. Today is my sixteenth birthday. Everyone always makes a big deal about sixteenth birthdays. 'Wow, i've turned sixteen! I've passed a milestone!' I don't feel any different.

It's a Thursday which means I have school on my birthday. . . Yipee! Actually on the contrary, I don't really care if I have to go to school on my birthday, it's alot less boring than sitting around all day that's for sure.

Around six I finally got up, and I went to take a shower. A shower in the morning is definitely. . . Alot more work, but it feels nice to really wake up with a shower. A thirty minute shower was in the daily agenda for sure. After a nice shower, I laid down in my bed, with a towel, for a little while before getting dressed and going to the kitchen. I walked in, and saw my dad at the stove. I walked up and hugged him from behind.


He screamed and spun around quickly. "Oh. You. Happy birthday."

I smiled. "Hello. Oooh, waffles. Thank you."

He sighed, and put a few waffles on a plate for me. I put my favourite toppings and dug in. By the time I finished it was 7:30 and I had to finish getting ready for school. I walked to my room, and put on my blazer and my shoes. I grabbed my school bag and went to the front entry. My dad was waiting at the door.

"You ready to go kiddo?" He asked opening the front door.

I nodded, and we left the house, walking to the car. The drive to school wasn't that long, and I was there quickly. A quick hug from my dad, and I then walked from the car and into the school.

The school day passed quickly, and all my friends said happy birthday, and gave me a card. A couple people gave me 10 bucks or a little otter keychain, or something otter. In our friend group we have a weird obsession with relating ourselves to animals. Then again, half my friends quirks were them transforming into one specific aquatic animal. So Rin, Nagisa, and Haru, thanks. You've started something very weird in our group.

After school I planned to have dinner with my dad, but I was going to go to the café with my friends, and Bakugo & friends.

With all of us together, we had to make a change of plans. There were to many of us. With Rin, Haru, Nagisa, Makoto, Rei, and then also, Katsuki, Mina, Kaminari, and Kirishima, there were alot of us. So we instead went to the mall again.

When we were walking around the mall, Katsuki and I walked hand in hand. Was I feeling a little guilty I hadn't told him it was my sixteenth birthday? A little. But. . . I didn't want him to deal with that hassle. So, I let it be. I did find a nice blouse that I could wear on some special occasion with a nice pair of dress pants. We all bought a couple things, or in Katsuki's friends case, they held everything Mina and Kaminari were getting.

We all sat down at the food court, where I planned to meet my dad, and we all got a little something.

"Oh my gosh, y/n! You should have bought that dress you were looking at earlier! You'd look divine!" Mina gushed.

I laughed, "I'm not the biggest dress person. I have a few, and I do wear them sometimes, but, I don't know. . ."

"Well. . . Its a summer/spring dress, and the school year will be done in a couple months, so it'll be perfect to wear it. And I bought it for you. . . So happy birthday." I smiled and thanked her, taking the bag from her. But on the inside, I was panicking. Well, shit. The cat is outta the bag now.

"It's your birthday!? Why didn't anyone tell me!?" Kaminari yelled.

Mina cocked her head to the side, "I. . . did though."

Poison (Insecure) - Bakugo Katsuki x readerWhere stories live. Discover now