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From now on the story is going to be mostly 1st person Pov
Art isn't mine

I sat down at the Bakugo dinner table. I stood up quickly. "I need to call my dad, I'll be right back."

I walked out the front door, and sat on the front step. I called my dad, and it rung a few times before he picked up.


"Hey dad, i'm at the Bakugo household. I'm having dinner. I just wanted you to know."

"Okay... love you."

"Love you too dad."

I hung up the phone and walked back inside. I sat back down as Mitsuki was bringing in dinner. She smiled at me then sat down. It was quite a silent dinner. Contrary to the two constantly yelling people at the table. Mitsuki then piped up.

"You know, Katsuki never eats with us. I'm glad to know that he'll at least do that when we have a guest." She grinned wide.

I chuckled, "That is good to know, yes." It was silent after that. When we finished eating I tried to help with the dishes but Mitsuki shooed me away, and I quote 'go frolic with my son. He needs it.' Somewhat getting used to Mitsuki's outlandish outbursts, I shrugged it off, and did go and hang out with Katsuki. I knew he went to his room the minute he could. I knocked on his door. A muffled come in emanated from the door. I turned the knob snd slowly walked in. Katsuki was sitting on his bed doing homework. He glanced up through his hair, and looked back down.

"Hey." He muttered focusing on his work. I closed the door, and shuffled in. I may be good friends with him, but I had never been in his room, much less a guys room. I slowly walked gauging what the situation was. He glanced up, then growled and grabbed my wrist, which was within reaching distance, and plopped me to sit next to him. I squeaked slightly in suprise, and an even more suprisingly chuckle left Katsuki's throat.

I sat there, quite awkwardly, and looked around his room. It was quite plain, with little remnants of Katsuki's outbursts on the walls. Scorch marks had been attempted to be scrubbed off, to no avail. I looked over at Katsuki, and caught a glimpse at an adorable concentrating face. I bit my lip to keep in some giggles, and continued to watch a work distracted Katsuki. I was watching so intently, that I forgot he was doing anything at all. He flopped backward, sprawled out, and groaned in frustration. "I can't! I don't get it!"

I giggled, and turned to where my upper body weight was rested on one arm while the other was placed in my lap. I looked at Katsuki and saw a small, almost not even there, pout. Katsuki was pouting over homework, and I don't think my heart was ready for that one. I burst out giggling like a buffoon, but didn't really care. Katsuki glared at me.

"DON'T LAUGH AT ME!" He yelled yanking my arm so I crashed to the bed beside him.

It caused me to have another round of giggles. A rare deep voiced chuckle left katsuki and rang throughout my ears. I smiled and sat up beside him, looking down into his deep crimson pools. A small unprovoking smirk graced his face. I poked his cheek, and retracted my hand before he could grab it. He reached over and grabbed my waist, dragging me toward him so I couldn't escape. He was swift, and he sat on my legs, preventing me from moving. He then reached forward and ticked my stomach, with a smile on his face, and laughs leaving him.

Loud laughs, and frankly, squawks pushed themselves out of voice box. I powerlessly pushed and his arms to relive myself of the torture. It didn't work. I took to trying to protect my stomach. This too, did not work. I eventually gave up trying to stop him and layed there, splayed out like an eagle, and laughed. Katsuki then scooted to the side, off my legs so I could catch my breath, and so that I could sit up. I sat up, and breathed heavily. I was out of breath from the suprise tickle attack. I looked beside me to see a wide smile across Katsuki's face. It was a nice sight.

He finished his homework, with some help from me, don't tell anyone, and set it aside. We just layed there on the bed staring at nothing. I broke the silence.

"Soooo, anything exciting happening at UA?" I asked with curiosity.

He shrugged, "We're going to the emergency center tomorrow."

I nodded, "That's seems fun. I've just got a boring day at school..." I pouted.

Katsuki lightly pinched my arm, "nothings boring in a hero school."

I shrugged, "I guess you're rigjt, still you guys get to go to that cool place, while I'm stuck in a class room."

"Suck it up buttercup." Katsuki said.

"Katsukiiii!" I groaned. He chuckled and layed in the bed. I lifted.my phone to see it was 10pm.

"Crap, it's 10, I gotta go. See you tomorrow." I said scampering out of the house, and running home. Dad sat n in the living room staring at the TV.

"Sorry it's so late dad. I lost track of time." I apologized.

"It's fine. But now that you're here, I'm off to bed." He said and being the slug he is, trudged to his bedroom. I ran up gave him a hug, and scampered off to my own room.

I awoke the next morning to my dad clanging two pans together in my room. "What the hell dad? It's like 2 hours to early for that."

"No, it's 7. And you gotta be there at 8. The your ass up." He said walking out of my room, taking the pans with him. I groaned, and got out of bed. I sluggishly moved around the house getting ready, and then it was 8. I went to the living room, with my backpack, and splayed myself on the couch, ready to fall back asleep.

"If today wasn't important for me, I'd join you, but it is important, so get up." Dad said by the front door. I got up and followed him to the car. I got in, and slept most of the way to school. He dropped me off, then drove off.

I was sleepy most of the day, I blame my father's genes for that, and kinda didn't really pay attention. Although the hero teacher came in and started teaching us, I had to listen then.

"Y/n Aizawa to the front office please." Came out of the intercom. U stood up, took my bag, and left for the office. I was greeted by two unfamiliar people.

"Hello?" I said coming in. The two turned around.

"Hello Ms. Aizawa, we are here to inform you that your father is in critical condition in the hospital. We're sorry." They said to me.

I stood there shocked, not having any prior warning, and not having the slightest idea who these people were before they spoke. "Y-your kidding. That's impossible. My dad couldn't possibly... no. He'd never be in critical condition."

They shook their heads. "Sorry, buts it's true, he was admitted into our hospital 5 hours ago. He is stable, but in critical condition." They said, "we can bring you there now, should you want to."

I nodded slowly, "I- I would like that."

They then drove me to the hospital. I was led to my father's room, then they left me alone in the hall. I stared at the wall. The sign.


It really was him. He was in the hospital.

I then opened the door.

》》》End of chapter《《《

The story is going to start picking up around the next 3 chapters. So stay tuned. Hope you enjoyed.


Poison (Insecure) - Bakugo Katsuki x readerWhere stories live. Discover now