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Katsuki and y/n stood in a circle of students vying for a look at the couple. The circle was only growing thicker with more students, and let's just say most that were in the front were shell shocked 1A students. Katsuki leaned his head down the slightest bit and whispered in to y/n's ear,


They pushed back from each other and ran through the people in the crowd. Most students were suprised and by instinct moved out of the way of the two running individuals. They broke free from the crowed, and by then they were full on sprinting. They tore through the courtyard and past the gates and down the sidewalk before slowing down. When they came to a stop y/n bent over gasping for air.

"I. Hate. Running." She choked the words out, but they were still very clear with the venom.

Katsuki chuckled, and just wiped some sweat off his brow. "That wasn't alot, y'know."

She glared, chest still heaving. She spat some saliva that had accumulated in her mouth and wiped her chin. "I spend alot of time in school training to hold my breath underwater. Underwater. I don't do sprints, hell we do laps in a pool. I'm a water based hero, not land based you idiot. Do you think a half shark half man can run sprints!? No! He does laps in a pool. And these aren't lazy laps, oh no. These are sprinted laps. But that doesn't train me for sprints on land!"

Katsuki held his hands up in an 'I'm innocent' gesture. "Sorry, sorry. But you did good for a never land sprinter."

Her glare slowly dissapered, "dammit, you know how to make me not angry with you."

He chuckled then helped her stand up before walking home.


One month later

Y/n and Katsuki's relationship had been going well, and even with the secret out, it didn't really change much. They were a sweet pair, as many said. People at UA learned quickly not to insult y/n, for if wind got to Katsuki, the insultees- were then hospitalized.

Y/n had opened up to Katsuki more and explained that the reason she wore a sweater all the time was because she felt out of place in the hero society. She no matter how much work she did, couldn't gain the body alot of hero's had. So, she just didn't show it. He accepted her as she was, and managed to get her out of her sweater, at least a few times.

Y/n was on a boat sailing out on the ocean for a sparing time with her classmates. Y/n stood at the bow of the ship. She felt the ship slow to a stop in the middle of the ocean.

Her teacher Sir Grawler was leading the lesson today.

"Now, you have fought on our training frild, but now it's time to fight in the water, where you will either be helped or hindered. Good luck." Sir Grawler's gruff voice said.

They all broke off into assigned pairs, y/n was paired with Makoto.

"Hello again." He said with a friendly wave. She waved back and they jumped into the ocean. They swam a little ways away from the boat before stopping and posing themselves for sparring. Y/n knew of Makoto's quirk. He could splice the water to allow himself to swim faster or create fast moving jets of water that could slice a person.

He called it Splicer, which also happened to be his hero name.

"When we hear the whistle we'll start, okay, *Aquapura?"

*Aquapura is a synonym for water

Y/n nodded. They heard the high pitched shriek of the whistle and launched themselves at each other.

Y/n raised herself above the water and slid across the water toward Makoto. She saw that he was starting to splice the water, and he shot forward, and before she could react, Makoto had shoved her back into the water, holding her there. Y/n manipulated the water to create a rope like consistency and made it squeeze. Makoto let I it a strangled noise before letting y/n go. She shot him back with a jet stream of water before rising herself back over the waters surface. She raised some water from beside her and created ball projectiles. She launched them at such a speed that it threw Makoto back 15 feet. He quickly regained his senses and used his quirk to launch himself underwater all the way under y/n, before yanking her down. They tousled underwater for a minute before something strange caught y/n's eye. It was a vibrant green, and certainly didn't belong in the ocean.

Makoto taking advantage of her distraction spliced her in the back and it flew her forward. She hit the green thing and immediately started flailing. It was alive, but she didn't have the slightest clue as to what it was. And she had daily marine life classes. She used her quirk to shoot herself to the surface.

The animal which had clung to y/n now let go, and in its panic, used it's self defense by spraying something on y/n's face. She screamed in agony, and flailed in the water clutching her face. The animal quickly swam away, and Makoto rushed over to see what was wrong.

He tried asking her what was wrong but y/n was screaming so much that any word that she might've said was incoherent. When y/n stopped flailing and screaming, Makoto knew something was horribly wrong.

》》》End of Chapter《《《

First off, sorry that it's been a while. I just had a lot happen recently that kinda shook my world so to speak. So I had to take a break to deal with that. That said, I didn't really get through that, and I think writing will help me with my anxiety, so there will probably be alot more chapters coming. Thank you and enjoy the story.


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