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Y/n swerved around to face a disheveled father.


"Do you know how worried I was!? You weren't at the school gate as usual, you weren't at the beach, you weren't home!" He yelled standing from the table.

A stunned y/n couldn't form words.


Aizawa walked forward and enveloped his daughter in a hug. Still frozen in utter suprise y/n's arms remained at her sides. "I'm so glad you're okay." Her father whispered, more to himself.

Slowly getting over the shock y/n wrapped her arms around her father. Despite not understanding the reason for this whole outburst, she realized that she had caused her father grief, and utmost worry. She buried her face in her father's chest.

"I'm sorry. I don't understand dad. What's wrong? Why are you so worried?" She spoke, voice muffled.

She squeezed her father tighter. "I'm sorry for making you worry. I'm sorry for making things harder."

He pet the top of her head with one hand. "It's okay. I'm just glad you're safe."

She looked up and her father looked down. He kissed her forhead. "I'm ever so glad you're okay."

She stepped back and looked at him in the face. "Why were you so worried though? I don't understand."

"Did you not hear what had happened?" He asked, he'd genuinely thought she'd known.

"No, what the hell happened?" She asked, now concerned for the city. If her father was this worried then something must've happened.

"A new villan group has emerged. They call themselves the league of villans. They were spotted on the side of town where Iwatobi is. That's why I was worried." Aizawa informed his daughter.

She shook her head. "I'd already left school. I was waiting at the gate when Ba-"

She cut herself off. Remembering that Bakugo had told her that her father had an outburst in class. She assumed her father dosent like Bakugo much.

"When I was thirsty. I went into town." She concluded, changing the ending.

Worrying whether or not her father believed her ate away inside. He father slowly nodded. "Okay sweetheart. Go to bed. It's gotten late. You have school tomorrow."

She nodded, giving her dad a quick hug before going to her room. She dropped her school bag by the door and flopped on her bed. She exhaled. Even after the jarring experience that brought her back to reality she couldn't help but grin. Thinking back on the afternoon, had her giggling like a fool. She'd never made a friend so fast. Frankly, she didn't know why she was so arrogant or social around him. She normally wasn't social and tended to stay a little ways away. Close enough to be considered shy, and not anti social. She looked at her ceiling, grinning wildly. She'd made a new friend. Not only that but it was so comfortable even though they'd just met.

He knew who she was. She didn't have to be scared. Didn't have to hide. She didn't have to be guarded. She could be herself. Something she hadn't done with anyone besides her dad in a very long time.

Something she'd yearned for. Something she'd wanted, for such a long time. Something she'd chased, never able to catch. And she'd caught it. She had it. After so long, it didn't seem real, but it was. It was ever so real. And he was everything she wanted.

The next afternoon, a giddy y/n waited at the gates of UA. Bakugo walked over. She smiled.

"You actually came over." She said, beaming.

He smirked. "What kind of hero would I be if I backed out of a promise?"

She giggled. "An untruthful one. Good thing you aren't."

He shoved her shoulder lightly. "C'mon, shit stick."

She pouted slightly. "Is that really gonna be my nickname?"

He gripped her shoulder, and started walking off school property. "Yes, yes it is."

"Gimme a minute." She said pulling out her phone.

Me: Hey dad, I'll be out in town today with a friend. Just wanted you to know, and not worry.

Adoring father: Okay sweetheart. Be home by 9, k?

Me: Gotcha. Love ya

Adoring father: Love you too

She slipped her phone away.

"K, lets go." She said gripping the sleeve of his shirt.

They walked in silence. She clung to his sleeve.

He wondered as to why she did so, but found it cute, it was like she was scared she was going to get lost. Though, a little peeved she was wrinkling his sleeve, he decided to drop it. She looked up to see a frown on his face.

"Something wrong?" She asked concerned.

He shook his head. "No, I'm okay."

She nodded. "Okay. If something was, you could tell me you know..."

He looked down at her. "Okay. I'll keep that in mind."

He thought how her worrying was endearing. She barely knew him, yet was worried over whether he was upset. He inwardly smiled, looking at her face. Seeing little details for the first time.

The way she didn't smile unless a reason too. She was smiling now, signalling to him that there was something to smile about.

The way she looked at everything, with both caution and compassion. The opposite of him.

She looked up to see him staring. She glared red. "Is there something on my face? Like seriously. If there is tell me."

He shook his head. "No, there's nothing on your face."

She pursed her lips. "Okay then."

She looked back forward, away from him. She took a deep breath in. "Can I take you somewhere?"

His gaze never waning from her, only flickered to her lips, as she spoke. "Sure."

The way a smile graced her face ever so lightly.

These were all things he noticed on this new girl he'd become friends with. For no reason really. He liked to think of himself as observant.

She fought her urge to look at him. She felt his never leaving gaze. She genuinely wished she knew his reason why. His hand still hadn't left her shoulder. Leaving her pressed against his side. She felt warm. Safe. It was this weird affect that he had. Even as he was explosively angry alot, she'd been witness to it, he seemed to melt that when with her. Why he did so, she didn't know, but she was glad. Glad she was able to get through the walls he'd placed.

She had a sudden thought. He'd let her into his soft place. Past his walls. And even though she'd said how much she'd appreciated having a friend she wouldn't have to hide herself from. She still hid.

She hadn't gotten to a place she could let him in.

And she didn't want it to stay that way.

So she changed their course.

And chose to take him to one of her most special places.

Somewhere she'd never shown anyone.

》》》End of chapter《《《

Well that was fun. I'm bubbling at the brim with ideas. Woohoo. Hope yall liked it.


Poison (Insecure) - Bakugo Katsuki x readerWhere stories live. Discover now