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Katsuki POV

The text was confusing as hell. And there was zero fucking way in hell I wasn't going to go home after receiving a text like that out of the blue.

As if Lakita could sense my distress she starting pacing around my legs and pawing at my shoes. I lightly tugged her leash and started jogging in the direction of y/n's house. It took about ten to fifteen minutes to get back, and the sight in front of me was horrible. Lakita started barking her head off, and I took of in a sprint with Lakita right by my side. The army of officers surrounding the house and line of cop cars was nothing short of anxiety inducing. I was about to grab someone and start punching but y/n's scolding voice ricocheted around my head.

"Don't be rude!" It was like she was standing right beside me. It was so believable. Like I could reach out and touch her. I looked around, so convinced I'd heard her intoxicating voice, my intoxicating love, but y/n's spunky attitude was no where around me. I approached an officer and lightly tapped them on the shoulder.

"What's going on here?" I almost didn't want to ask.

"This is an active crime scene, you cannot be here sir." He stated and tried to usher me away.

"Active crime scene? What happened?" I didn't dare ask anything more specific.

"Legally I'm not allowed to divulge any information, but if you know the victim I'd like to take a statement from you. . ." He trailed off waiting for me to answer.

". . . And the victim is who?" I asked incredulously.

"Ms. Y/n L/n sir."

My heart stopped. My light. My life. My personal saving grace. I was rigid, frozen, unable to move.


"That's my fianceé." I held up my hand to display the simple band she'd given me just last night.

"Please, what happened. Who do I need to kill?" My anger flared. Someone hurt one of the kindest people on the plant. My kind person. My light. My life. Someone had done something.

"Oh dear. Sir, if you could follow us inside we'll be able to disclose the full story."

I reluctantly followed the officer, and entered my beloved's wrecked home. I was taken aback by the sight. The living room we'd just spent lovely time just talking in the night before had been ripped to shreds. It looked like Lakita had gone to town on the couch, chair, or, you know, a crime had taken place.

The officer pulled out a notepad and a pen, poised to write down any information.

"You're the victims fiancé correct?"

"Yes," I answered him.

He jotted a couple things down  before looking back up at me, "You're very familiar sir, are you a pro hero?"

I nodded, "yes, the agency I work at is about 5 hours away, so I don't tend to work around here."

"How long have you know Ms. L/n?"

"A couple months short of five years."

He nodded, and proceeded to ask a few more question.

"I- i- is she okay? I-is she. . .de-" I couldn't possibly finish that question. I couldn't possibly utter those words.

The officer cut me off, "No! Nothing like that! She was kidnapped about 15 minutes ago."

"And you haven't fucking found her!?" I couldn't contain my anger. I knew it wasn't right to get anger at these people, they were trying.

"Sir, we're trying. All traffic cams in the area were shut down for about thirty minutes, so we don't know what car she was kidnapped in, and it's making this more difficult. If we had a motive we could most likely find her quicker," He prodded me for any possible information to help.

"I mean. . . We both work for some relatively big hero agencies, but she hasn't angered anyone as far as I'm aware. . ." I trailed off.

"From the scene, and what we heard over the call, we can conclude it was most likely pre-meditated, and it's possible it was for ransom, but we cannot be certain unless someone gets a call."

"Fuck!" I started to pace in a line through the living room.

"What the hell am I supposed to do?" I asked him. I wasn't really expecting an answer, but, I couldn't think of anything else to ask.

"Any information regarding people that might've had a grudge against her? Anyone she's fought with?" He asked.

"I- I'm not around often. We both have very time consuming jobs, this is the first time I've been out here in about 5 months. I wish I could, but her boss at her agency is her childhood friend, I can give you his contact information. Maybe he'd know more," I told him. It was true, and I'd never felt more guilty for having not been around.

He nodded, "Okay, thank you. We're trying our hardest sir, thank you for your cooperation," He reached out a hand, and I shook it.

I wrote Rin's contact information in the note pad the officer had been writing in before, and then traveled deeper into the house. I walked into the bedroom and saw the drawers emptied and things over turned. It was horrible. I couldn't stand another moment in that house. I grabbed Lakita's leash, and walked away from the house and the crime scene.

I would kill him. Them. The people who took my fianceé. My y/n.


The van took a sharp turn around a corner and I crashed into the side of the van.

"Shit. That hurt." I silently cursed at myself when I felt my shoulder collide into the hard side panelling. I tried to steady myself against the side, and it worked for a little while before the van turned another corner and I was thrown into the wall again. This time I was closer to the wall and I hit it much harder.

"Fuck!" I cried out when my already sore shoulder dislocated. "Shit. . ."

The throbbing pain turned unbearable and I wish I could pop it back into place, but I didn't know how, nor was I in a steady enough place to even if I did know how. I angled my dislocated shoulder away from the wall to avoid another collision.

I was thrown forward slightly when the van suddenly stopped. I half prayed that it was a stop light but on the other hand I hoped for it to also be a final destination. I cowered away from the doors and grabbed onto anything I could with my good arm. The doors were pried open, and light flooded into the dark space that I'd been enclosed in for the drive in the form of a flashlight. A gruff man's voice called out from behind the blinding light.

"C'mon. Get up." I weighed between following my captors orders or staying put. I decided the former. Maybe if I cooperated I wouldn't die. I -despite every unwanting, humiliated bone in my body- crawled toward the back of the van where the doors were open, waiting for my exit, and slowly lowered myself out of the van. Once out of the dark van, and my eyes had adjusted to the light I could see the place I'd been dropped off. A warehouse. Great.

They grabbed my arms, and I couldn't hold in the cry of pain when my dislocated arm was yanked. They didn't even give me a second look and dragged me into an adjoining room. I stumbled in after them and looked around confused when I was thrown to the floor. The flood of men left except for one.

He squatted down in front of me and grabbed my face in his hand. He wrenched my face to his and looked me straight in the eyes. He chuckled, "Hope you like the place. You'll be here a while."

He released the strong hold on my face, then stood and strode out the door. I looked around the room and what I saw terrified me.

Terrified me because I knew he was telling the truth. I'd be here a while. Not a while. . . A long time.

》》》End of Chapter《《《

Hello lovelies!

Here's the long awaited chapter!

I hope yall enjoyed, please tell me what yall thought, and make some predictions! I'd love to see what yall think is going to happen!

Thanks for reading!


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