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The song is because I can... also I was listening to it while writing the chapter. I love this song. Okay, enjoy.

I fumbled over my words. "U-uhm, well- so,"

I felt someone's presence behind me, they gripped my shoulder. "None your fucking buisness uraraka."

I hit him slightly on his hand. "Don't be rude." Regardless, he led me out the school, and I realized my father wasn't beside me anymore. I scanned the courtyard around me. He was standing at the gate. I turned and faced Katsuki.

"I gotta go. My dad's driving me home today."

He nodded. "See you tomorrow shitstick."

I smiled, "You too, bitch."

He smirked. "So that my new nickname? Couldn't have gone with something creative..."

I pouted. "Shut up, and take the nickname, bitch."

He punched my shoulder lightly. "Alright, shitstick, calm yo tits."

I giggled. "I'll think of something better. Until then, your a bitch."

I waved, before scampering to my dad's car. I hopped in, and he started the car. The ride was silent... until he sprung a question on me. "So, what's with Bakugo? Or rather, my most frustrating student?"

I was drinking from a water bottle that'd I'd had with me throughout the day. I spat in out, most lading in my lap. The result was me hacking like a cat. "What ever do you mean my dear father?"

I inwardly panicked. When under pressure, or suprised, I tend to get suspiciously formal. He glanced at me through the corner of his eye. His silence said more than he could've with words.

I relented, "Okay, fine- I'm now friends with him, not like friends, but like friends. Uuum, yup, that's it. Also I am like hyperventilating right now, is it hot in here? I mean were not like dating, like we're friends, but like best friends, although, he probably dosent think of me that way, so like friends that are close...?" I mentally face palmed, I was rambling. I rambled when I get nervous.

"Alright I get it. Friends that are close but not best friends because it's bakugo." He said, nearing the house.

I nodded. "Yeah, seems about right."

He didn't say anything after that. We got home, and once inside, my father flopped on the couch. I sat on the ground beside the couch messing with his hair. "You know, you're hair is so nice. I swear if you ever cut it, I will murder you."

He made some noise, although, it was muffled by the couch. "That's not a very hero thing to say."

I huffed. "Yeah, yeah. But you're my dad... and I can~"

He shook his head lightly, and looked at me through a sheen of hair across his face. "Love you sweetheart."

I smiled, and leaned over and draped my head on his shoulder. "Love you too."

I spent a good amount of time in silence right there, spending quality time with my dad. He eventually fell asleep, and I just sat there looking at him. It was always a wonder to me how he could be such a loving person, yet go and expel a whole class. I drew my knees up to my chest, and set my head on them. I pursed my lips in thought. I absolutely have the best dad in the world. My phone chimed. I stood, walking over to my phone which lay on the coffee table a little ways away. I sat back down, crisscross. I opened my phone.

Bitchy boom: whatcha doin?

Me: have a look.

I discreetly took a picture of my dad's braid, that I'd braided, and sent it to Katsuki.

Poison (Insecure) - Bakugo Katsuki x readerWhere stories live. Discover now