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I watched as Katsuki eyed the guys. I nudged him, "Chill out, they're not going to bite."

He leaned over to me and whispered, "You don't know that. Be careful."

I just shook my head and patted his shoulder, before introducing the guys.

"Katsuki, this is Rin Matsuoka, Haru Nanase, Nagisa Hazuki, Makoto Tachibana, and Rei Ryūgazaki," I said pointing to each as I went through the list. Katsuki nodded his head, as if he understood.

"And guys, this is Katsuki Bakugo. My boyfriend, and very good friend," They all answered with a chorus of hello's, and nice to meet you's.

"Well alright boys, time for you all to go, I have one more night in here before I'm homeward bound!" I exclaimed, shooing them all out. Katsuki looked like he was going to protest, but decided against it. He leaned down, and kissed my forehead giving a quick goodbye, before leaving.

Makoto walked over, gave a hug, and left the room. The rest, excluding Rin, who also gave me a hug because I was closer with those two, gave a small wave and left the room.

I laid down to sleep, and drifted off.

● ■ ● ■ ●

I awoke the next morning to light streaming through the curtains. It was around 7am, and I had school in about an hour. Damn, I was ready to get the hell out of here. I didn't have a particular vendetta against hospitals, but I was just not in the mood to be kept up in here anymore. I called my dad, and asked him to get the sign out papers done.

When they were completed I got dressed in my uniform, which dad had brought from home, and the ointment for the burns on my face. I still had my bandages but I was cool with that. Although I was going to have a wicked mark across my face that was for certain.

I stood, and walked out of the hospital and got into the car with my dad. We arrived at school pretty quickly, and I stepped out of the car. I waved at my dad, and turned around, walking into school. I was greeted by the guys running up.

Rin and Makoto immediately gave me a hug, and we walked into school with our little group. Our first class was HR, and I had it with Rin.

The two of us waved goodbye to the other four, before entering our homeroom class. We sat in the middle of the class, and chatted. Rin was gossiping, once again, about how our rival school for Water based hero's had a killer swim team.

"Yeah, their captain Seijuro is apparently climbing the swim charts like they were stairs." Rin, said leaning closer, so he could be heard over the other kids talking and laughing.

"Could you have worded that any weirder Rin?" I asked him.

He rolled his eyes, "Whatever. But you get my point right? We got to really practice for the team this year. Granted were freshman, and have three more years, but why wait?" Rin, rambled on.

"Yeah. . . About that. I can't Rin. Be on the swim team I mean."

Rin gaped at me," You what!? Why? We've been planning this for like a year and a half y/n."

I winced. I'd met the guys earlier this year, and became friends, but Rin and I grew up together. We went to water based schools together since we were four. His quirk was shark. Weirdly enough, my whole group was a bunch of aquatic animal shape shifters. I don't really see how that worked out, but, it somehow did.

"Well, Rin, i'm going to try out for water guard."

"What the hell is water guard?" He asked.

I huffed, "typical boy," I said teasing, not really mad,"Water guard is for people like me, with water manipulation quirks, and we do pretty much dance in a pool. Think synchronized swimmung, with water flying through the air." I explained.

His face scrunched, still confused, "okay. . . I still don't get it, why that over the swim team? We literally have been planning this forever."

I stood up and walked beside his desk, which was conveniently next to mine, and gave him a hug. "I know, and I'm sorry, but I'll come to every swim meet, although, considering I'll be performing every swim meet, because we perform with swimming band(marching band essentially), that's not really that great of a promise. But I love you, best friend!"

He frowned a bit, before giving me a hug, and smiling, showing his shark teeth. "Okay sharky, let go, I have to sit down, or be filleted by our teacher." He let me go, and I sat down right as the teacher came into the room. That was close.


Rin, Haru, and I met up with the other guys for lunch a few classes later. The six of us took up a whole table, and we talked about pretty much anything. But the main subject was them all joining the swim team, and how I was joining Guard.

The other guys were pretty chill with it, but considering that we have only been friends for a little while, that made sense.

Then we turned to the subject for Katsuki.

"So how long have you and Bakugo been dating?" Makoto asked.

I thought for a second, "A little bit. Not too long, but it's been great. Warning though, he's super protective, so watch out." I said with a laugh.

Rin frowned, "Are you sure he's not too controlling? That's not good in a relationship. Having you be not be around other guys. . ."

I shook my head, "no, that's not it, he's protective, not controlling. There's a difference. He seems to think everything will hurt me. He didn't let me staple my papers when we were doing homework after school one time because he thought I was going to hurt myself. Which to be honest sounds kinda true."

Rin just nodded, "okay then y/n."

I felt a weird presence over my shoulder, and my suspicions were confirmed when the guys sitting around me turned and looked over my shoulder. I turned my head.

"Holy shit, not way."

》》》End of Chapter《《《

Thank you all for reading!!!

I like to add a bit of myself Into my stories, and the whole guard vs. Swimming thing is a big problem right now for me. I'm about to go into HS as a freshman in about 2 & 1/2 months, and oof. I am in gurad, but I might have to choose between swim team, and Guard. So, yeah.

I hope you all enjoyed!

Please tell me something you didn't like, if any, so I can work on it!


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