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I turned around to come face to face with Tristan.

"Holy shit, no way."

"Hey princess."

The guys were looked at us, trying to figure out what was going on. Well, everyone but Rin.

"Go away Asshole." Rin said, jumping up and trying to get between me and Tristan.

Tristan just laughed, "Hey Rin, long time no see."

Rin growled, "Shut up. You can't just say something like that."

Rin shoved Tristan. "Enough! Rin, lets go." I yelled, standing up grabbing Rin's arm.

"Awe, I was just having fun. Bye then, see you later princess~" Tristan hollered before walking away.

I frowned, my day just got a whole lot worse. My hands clenched into fists by my sides, I felt my nails pressing into my skin.

I tried to steady my breathing.

An unsaid question hung in the air. And eventually Makoto asked it, "who was he, what'd he do?"

I sighed running my hands through my hair. "I. . . Had another best friend. Rin, Evan and I. We grew up together."

"What happened?"

"Tristan's. . . Um, brother killed him." I said covering my face. I was almost crying.

"Oh my god, but what does that have to do with Tristan?"

"Because! He stood by him, defended him even though he drove under the influence! It wasn't right! That bastard got what he deserved though, he's in jail, will be for a long time." I said yelling. We were starting to gain attention.

"Y/n, I get that, believe me, but. . . Tristan stood by his brother, his family. . . I don't understand why you have a vendetta against Tristan himself." Makoto said, trying to reason with me.

"Sometimes blood isn't thicker than water." I said, before turning on my heel, walking away.

Katsuki's POV

I sat in the classroom, it was almost the end of the day, and I was bored out of my mind. My group of friends going on and on about probably useless information. Mina leaned forward, and waves a hand in my face.

"Hellooo~ anybody in there? Bro, is he dead?" Mina asked Kaminari.

I lifted my head up, "huh, no i'm goo-" I was cut off by a hard slap across the face.

"What the fuck!?" I yelled jumping out of my seat.

"Nope! He's alive!" Kaminari yelled before I tackled him.

"Aaaah! Someone help me!" Kaminari yelled as I held my sparking hand close to face, laughing.

Sero, Kirishima, and Mina just laugh. "Nah bro. You got yourself into this one," Kirishima says while laughing.

The bell rang, and I let go of Kaminari. I stood up laughing, and then grabbed my bag, seeing a text from y/n.

Y/n♡: Hey. Bring the squad to the mall. I'm bringing the boys, we're going shopping, and I want to meet your friends formally. 4:30 sharp, don't keep me waiting. :)

Me: 1. They are not my 'squad'. 2. They are going to gush over you when they see you, especially Mina.

Y/n♡: I don't care, I want to meet them, and I want to go out with you, it's been forever since we actually went out for a 'date'

Poison (Insecure) - Bakugo Katsuki x readerWhere stories live. Discover now