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I sat still, not responding to the words he'd said, but didn't think I heard. He pulled away and gave me a small smile. I gave a small smile back, but there was much more on my mind than how cute he looked with the unfathomable smile on his face. I laid back down, and sighed deeply. How had things gone so awry today so quickly?

I brought my hand to my face, and touched my bandages. . . things are just jumbling around in my head, and they are all screaming for attention, I wish they would just shut up!

My dad's head peeped in, "You okay sweetheart, I heard some yelling?"

I nodded, "Uuuhm, yeah I'm fine, just a little. . . frustrated."

He smiled, "Okay, rest. You need it. I'll come check on you in a little bit, okay?"

I nodded again, "Yup. Oh wait! Can you get me f/d?"

He flashed a thumbs up, and started to retreat out the door, and before he left he mouthed rest. I rolled on my side, and sighed. My dad was right, I needed sleep, actually, not only needed, but wanted sleep. I am exausted. I closed my eyes, and drifted into a silent, dreamless sleep.

Katsuki POV

I sat back in the waiting room, and buried my head in my hands. God, I really hope she didn't hear what I said. It kinda just slipped out. I didn't even realize I felt that way. I leaned all the way back in the chair, and slid my hands down my face until they dropped in my lap. I stared at my hands, while I clenched and unclenched them.

What is wrong with me today? Granted my girlfriend is in the hospital, and even she doesn't know what happened, well at least it's fuzzy, but I'm usually so on top of everything. My leg started bouncing, a sign that I was restless.

I've run out of school alot lately, I'd have to thank y/n for that.

I stood and started pacing around the room. I didn't feel at all comfortable sitting in a confining chair.

Third person POV

Katsuki decided to go back into y/n's hospital room. He walked down the winding halls, getting lost a couple times, before reaching her room. He opened the door quietly and slipped in. He looked to see her sleeping. He smiled.

She looked so peaceful. He quietly pulled a chair to the side of the bed, and sat down. He looked at her face, just studying how she looked. When she slept she didn't smile, nor did she frown. She just kind of. . . pouted. She groaned in her sleep and rolled onto her side, now facing Katsuki.

He chuckled, and lightly grabbed her hand, holding it. She opened the one eye she could, as the other was under bandages, and saw him sitting there. She smiled slightly.

"Hey there." She sleepily murmured. He chuckled at her when she brought her other hand, the one Katsuki wasn't holding, up to her face, and rubbed the tiredness from her eye.

"Hello. How are you feeling?" He asked her.

She shrugged. Well, she shrugged as much as laying down on your side allows. "I feel okay, I guess. I think the painkillers are working. I guess that's why I'm also a little sleepy."

"You have every right to be tired. You've had a rough day." He replied, with a slight chuckle.

"You don't have to tell me, that's for sure. It's been. . . an odd day." She said sitting up, still holding his hand, but more firmly now.

He had a small smile on his face, looking at his hand intertwined with hers. They sat in silence for a while. It was comfortable, and she just observed his features while he started at their hands.

Poison (Insecure) - Bakugo Katsuki x readerWhere stories live. Discover now