Chapter 1: The Complication

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America wrote in his journal. "I decided to sit alone today during lunch. It's not that I don't have any friends, it's actually the complete opposite. I have plenty of friends mainly because I am quite popular. I know everyone in this academy and everyone knows me. However, I'd be a liar if I don't say I sometimes feel unwanted by everyone around me. Not that I really care about their opinions but it's draining for me to ponder about. Everyone is patiently waiting for me to slip up. I can't stand their phony plastered smiles that cover up their hatred and jealousy. That is why I sit alone today. To get away from all the sick eyes that watch me.

And I hate that part of me finds that amusing. It wants to expose the disloyal people and serve them cold justice. But I can't do that right at the moment. I don't have that kind of time. It's a good thing I'm usually busy with all my jobs.

I am the President of the student council. That's one of my jobs anyways. It is my responsibility to acknowledge and interact with all my peers, arrange special events, and address any issues in this academy. And believe me, there are a lot of issues.

—Oh speak of the devil, here comes some of those issues now." He closes his journal.

Behind the school sitting on a bench, America sips his soda can as he watches a group slowly creep up to him.

"I figured you'd be hiding here America." says China. "We need to have a word with you."

He lowers his soda can while smirking and replies, "Oh China, if I really felt the need to hide from you, I'd just go where you keep your modesty and sensibility."

China was about to reply but North Korea then quickly chimes in "You out of all people have some nerve to say that. Don't be hypocritical."

"OH you're boring me now." America says while yawning, "Think of something more original. You said you wanted to have a word with me but you've already wasted plenty." He stands up and starts putting away his things while hearing a small conversation among them. He is then immediately grabbed by his shirt collar effortlessly from China. "Take us seriously, I wouldn't recommend playing any games right now."

America stares at him and says "Woah relax there buddy, I wasn't going anywhere. My movement was to simply pressure you to get to your point. You're wasting my time. You also have 3 seconds to get off of me or I will rearrange the bones in your hand."

China smiled and gripped onto him tighter "I'd love to see you try scumbag."

Vietnam then came in between them and broke them up. "Here is not the place for that guys. We just want to address something with you."

"Awesome." America puts his soda can into Vietnam's hand. "Please throw that out for me and then maybe I'll spare some time to listen— despite the fact I clearly already have."

Vietnam takes the can with disgust and crushes it with one hand and throws it into the trash in one clean move.

America slowly nods his head in approval. That was impressive. "Okay, I'm listening."

China then begins, "You shut down a club without any warning. A club we were all active members in. We want a reason why, and then we want you to set it back up for us."

America sighs, "You mean the philosophy club? Yeah... for people who are supposed to be "smart", are you sure you are entirely unaware of why I had to shut it down?"

He sees a wave of confused faces spread among them.

"Wow that's sad. Welp let me dumb it down for you then." He subconsciously begins to pace and circle around them. "The school makes all clubs, including mine, share a massive budget. Everyone manages their expenses accordingly and rarely ever goes over board from their distributed amount. You on the other hand, continuously kept spending on unnecessary things. What were you guys trying to do? Fund researchers to bring back philosophers from the dead?? Do you even—"

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