Chapter 8: Take out

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America went into the bathroom and he quickly scoped under every stall to make sure he was alone.

He sighed of relief when he realized he was in fact alone.

In the bathroom, it was clean and it played soft classical music. America sat on the sink top and relaxed for a bit. He didn't like the situations he was put into. He was not enjoying his date. He didn't enjoy arguing all the time or feeling hated by people in his presence. It was overwhelming him. Sadly, he really didn't have control over that.

He was having a very hard time deciphering Russia. America believed Russia liked him but didn't know how to be nice or caring...or perhaps he was still in denial.

America felt he should just call an Uber and ditch him. He wasn't forced to stay. And he thought there was no way to turn the situation around. Then he realized he would enjoy the challenge. He finds challenges fun.

America thought for a second. "Maybe if I be extra nice and don't bicker with him, he will act differently." Yet America knew it wasn't his responsibility to do this. It's not like he was the one with a crush.

However, he liked being the better person and wanted to challenge himself to make the best out of the situation. He looked at himself in the mirror and fixed up his hair before going back out. His objective was to charm him as much as he could.


When America first left, Russia stared at America's glass of water.

It was now or never.

He hated America so much. He was so manipulative, cocky, rude, perverted, annoying, and overall an asshole. He couldn't think of a reason to keep him alive. He would be doing everyone a favor.

He opened the secret compartment of his ring and reached over the table and poured the poison into his glass.

There were no witnesses because of how isolated their table was. All Russia could hear were the three drops of poison slipping into America's glass.

He closed his ring and sat back in his chair and acted natural.

Shortly America returned.

"Feel better now?"

America nodded. "Yes I do, thank you."

Iran came and placed their drinks on the table.

"Thank you!" both of the boys said at the same time.

Iran nodded. "Your food will be here shortly." He quickly walks away.

America picks up his whiskey and holds it up while smiling. "Cheers!"

Russia picks up one of his vodkas and clanks his glass with America's. "Cheers!"

They both go to sip their drink. Russia sips. America does not. He holds his lips onto the glass and pretends to. He doesn't trust Iran. What if he spat in his drink or something?

Russia notices this. After he chugs one of his vodkas, he takes America's whiskey out of his hand and chugs it. "Your with me. Iran isn't going to do anything to you. And if he did, it wouldn't be this soon."

It seemed like Russia did this to reassure America but he did it to get him to drink his water. He was confident the whiskey was fine. He knows how Iran feels about alcohol and that he isn't one to fiddle around with it.

America stared at Russia. He appreciated the gesture. Under normal circumstances, he would be pissed off if someone took his whiskey from him. But he wasn't planning on drinking it anyways. "Uh alright, thanks for not letting it go to waste. Save some alcohol for your food."

Russia picked up his last vodka and flipped America off and began to drink it.

America stared at him and realized he should've just called the damn Uber. "Yeah okay then..." At least now he knew Russia was most likely a drinker.

He picked up his glass of water and drank it.

Russia watched in amusement as a smile crept onto his face. He did it. America only would have a few more hours left to live.

Russia would no longer need to worry about being blackmailed and his comrades would be very pleased with him. He fixed the problem within one day. He was very proud of himself.

"You have a beautiful smile."

Russia was zoned out from glorifying himself. He was interrupted by America's comment. "Thank you?"

America finished his water. "Why don't you wear it often? It suits you!"

"I have a resting bitch face. Not everyone can always wear a smile like how you do."'

"Tch, it's not even my real smile to tell you the truth..."

Iran then returned and placed the soups in front of them and gave them spoons. "Enjoy!" He left as Russia and America said thank you.

Russia began to stir his soup.

America held his spoon. He subconsciously examines it. He immediately knows something is wrong.

"Don't put that in your fucking mouth." America demands to Russia just as he's about to take a bite.

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