Chapter 15: Date Night Round Two

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America walked out the house with Russia to his car relieved he avoided the confrontation with his younger brothers.

Once they were in the car America naturally sparked up a conversation. "So how was your day today?"

Russia looked over to him and chuckled as he started the car. "Making small talk are we?"

"That completely depends on the answer you give me. I'm genuinely concerned on how your day was and wanna know."

Russia sighed. "It was long and tiring." He hoped he wouldn't have to go into detail because he honestly didn't even know where to start. His day was all over the place. "How about you?" He began to drive into the shimmering sunset.

"It has been decent ever since I've parted from you earlier." America said. America was disappointed of how he gave such a short straight forward answer. Russia nodded to his response. America then spoke up again. "You know... I wanna get to know you better. I really don't know much about you now that I think about it."

Russia smiled. "Well, taking me to a movie was your first mistake. We will hardly get to talk."

"You'll regret calling it a mistake." America mumbled while smirking. He spoke up again. "Perhaps after the film, we can grab something to eat and talk there."

"Sure! Sounds good. You're right, we should get to know each other better."

America nodded and was happy he agreed with him. "Yeah!"

Russia had then remembered what Uk said before. "So Ame, you told your parents I was your boyfriend?" Russia teased.

America almost forgot about that and lightly blushed while averting his eyes. "No, I didn't... my dad just called you that because he didn't know what to refer to you as..."

Russia stared at him amusingly. "Mhmmm."

"I'm serious! He said that, not me! You aren't my boyfriend yet."

"Awh, you said "yet." So you are planning to ask me out? How much longer are you going to wait?"

"Excuse me- if I remember correctly, which I do, you asked me out first. So your answer is pending." America said. He stuck out his tongue as his face progressively heated up.

"Tch..."pending" my ass! I already know the answer is yes, you're just being stubborn about it again." Russia continued to tease.

"Am I being stubborn...or are you just being impatient?" America said.

"Your stubbornness is what's making me impatient!" Russia jokingly complained.

"Okay how about this: I get to know you better on this date and by the end of it, I'll let you know if we are dating or not." America proposed.

Russia slowly looked over to America with a "I'm so done with him" expression. He inhaled.

"America. Sweet sweet little America...explain to me how the fuck you are going to kiss me multiple times and teach me how to french kiss but still not come to the conclusion you want to date me? I simply do not understand."

America was silent for a few seconds. "Russia I don't even know your favorite color. I can't be your boyfriend yet."

"It's red." Russia said.

"Well you don't know my favorite color..."

"I bet it's blue."

"I-... yeah it is." America said in defeat.

"Perfect. Now let's make purple." Russia said proudly while smirking.

"Christ Russia shut up! That was so fucking cheesey! Don't ever say that again please!" America said while blushing. He wished he could stop stalling to date Russia. He wanted to date him but was afraid he would turn out to be just like China. America was trying to determine if Russia was really worth taking the risk for.

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