Chapter 18: It's Too Early For This Shit

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Russia's eyes fluttered open as he heard thunder roaring attached with the sounds of pouring rain from outside. He sat up in his creaking bed and glanced over at the dark window. He enjoyed thunderstorms from the inside. It always soothed him and brought him comfort. He liked watching the sky randomly light up and then hear the satisfying rumbling sounds that followed afterwards.

As Russia rubs his eyes he realizes for once he didn't feel like complete shit. He scans his room; not a single vodka bottle to be seen. That would definitely explain it. He was too accustomed to drinking before bed and being greeted by a hangover first thing in the morning. However, last night was different. He didn't want to drink. The words Ukraine said to him stained in his brain. He had to prove him wrong. He doesn't want anything he said to be true.

Russia's thoughts were then interrupted by his phone vibrating. He knew damn well it couldn't be an alarm, he doesn't set those. He actually didn't even know what time it was. The thunderstorms darkened the sky, it could be morning for all he knew. He reached over his bed and picked up his phone. His bright screen blinded him causing him to squint his eyes. "Fuck." he slipped out. He immediately lowers his brightness down all the way.

He then proceeds to look at the screen. It was a text message from America; "Good morning my sweet lovely teddy bear!! I love you so much and can't wait to see you later <3". Russia felt warmth spreading across his face. He subconsciously put his hand over his face to cover it. He could feel butterflies flapping around in his stomach. When he remembered he was completely alone he carefully lowered his hand back down. He couldn't help but to smile, he could definitely get used to being in a relationship with him.

He clicked on the notification and began typing a reply. "доброе утро![Good morning] I love you very much too". When he tapped on the send button he saw what time his message was sent at; 6:24 am. He immediately switched his phone off and jumped out of bed realizing he's going to be late. After rummaging through his draws he pauses for a second. "Wait...I'm always late to school, since when did being on time matter?" He thought to himself. His phone then vibrates again. He quickly glances at it seeing America sent him a few heart emojis. He smiles realizing why he wanted to be on time today. And he also realizes he has to make America a contact in his phone. He brainstorms what he should name him.


In the quiet school building, America softly laughs to himself as he slips his phone away into his pocket after sending Russia some hearts.

His attention is then brought back to the meeting going on in front of him. He sat at a big round table with other people. Today he had to be at school earlier than usual. Barely anyone else was in the building. It was such a dull and gloomy atmosphere. As president of the student council, he is expected to attend these sorts of things. The past few days haven't been chaotic for him, but during school events and holidays, it gets very busy for him. It's a lot of responsibility and pressure most times. It takes away so much of his free time. He sometimes questions himself why he got himself involved in this. It could absolutely drain the life outta him— and yet bring him so much gratification.

The teachers, faculty, and other students with leadership roles debated with each other. They eventually shifted their gaze on America to hear what he had to say. One of the advisors asked him "America what do you think?"

America looked down at the papers in front of him for a second before thinking of a response. He was partially paying attention, he wasn't exactly listening to what everyone was saying. But he knew that was enough for him. One of his good traits was he was usually always able to speak confidently. The pride in his voice always could convince people he knew what he was talking about, even if he himself had no idea what the hell he was saying.

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