Chapter 12: The Proposition

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When Russia got out of his first period class, he dragged his feet to take him to his next class. When he arrived he saw China waiting by the door. China was not in his class. China was probably waiting to bother him.

Suddenly Russia realized he didn't need today's lesson in that class and turned around and started to walk away. China saw him and made his way over to him.

"Skipping 2nd period today are we?" China said as he followed Russia.

Russia internally groaned and turned his head to face China. "Not intentionally comrade. I'm avoiding someone." Russia had no idea where he was even walking to, he was hoping China would eventually go away.

"Ouch. Ironically I'm here to tell you to avoid someone." China began.

Russia already knew what he was going to say. "Let me guess."

"America." They both said at the same time.

"Wow smart boy you are!" China said while patting him. "I'm aware you have feelings for him."

"Yeah? So do you. What's your point?" Russia wasn't afraid to admit this because even America knew that.

"I advise you it'd be best to stay out of my way. Besides, you couldn't handle him anyways. You are wasting your time."

That pissed off Russia even more. "I don't think you can handle him either since he had to break up with you."

China laughed. "America only thinks he broke up with me. He'll come crawling back, he always does."

"We will see about that. I hate to inform you about this but I am unable to fulfill your request. I have another date with him later today so I will not be staying away from him. You can go fuck yourself." Russia said confidently.

China's face darkened. "You're playing with deadly fire now. I'd be careful if I were you. I promise you will get burned."

Russia swiftly took out his cigarette lighter and flicked the flame on and held it to China's face. "Keep it up and I promise I won't be the only one to get burned."

China smiled and pushed his lighter away from his face. "Have it your way. When you give up, I'll be waiting for you to tell me."

Russia put his lighter away. "Well looks like you better get comfortable."

"Believe me, I already am." China said in a taunting tone before leaving Russia.

Russia shivered. "Asshole."

Russia started to ponder. Out of all the people in the school, why did America have to date him? He also wondered how he never noticed they were in a secret relationship. China always treated America coldly and talked down on him whenever he was present. Was it all some sick act? He resented the thought of that.

He then figured he would take a stroll near America's class. He wanted to see him even if he couldn't talk to him. It would be like seeing a beautiful fish in an aquarium exhibit.

As Russia turned the corner of the hallway, his arm was harshly yanked by someone and he was pulled into the janitors closet. As the door was slammed shut, Russia quickly uppercut punched under the person's chin.

"aGH!!" They backed away in the dark closet. "What the fuck Russia!! It's me!" They pulled a string on the ceiling to turn on a light above them. North Korea stood there holding where he was punched.

"North? What the fuck was that about?" Russia questioned.

"I have something to secretly propose to you."

"And so you pull me into a dark closet?" Russia said.

"China was watching. He never left. I had to get you in here quickly before he saw." North Korea put his hand behind Russia's back and pulled a microphone bug that was on him and revealed it to him.

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