Chapter 5: Preparation

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Russia adjusted his tie in the mirror. He knew the perfect place to take out America.

Russia figured instead of attempting to stab him again, he would poison him instead. A restaurant would be the most easiest location to set this up.

Russia never took anyone out on a date before, so he really didn't know what he was doing. He knew the basics, and the most basic thing he could think of was a fancy restaurant. He really wanted to sell the idea that he was really taking America on a date so the American would put away his doubts.

He realized it'll be more challenging to kill him than he thought. America wasn't like everyone else sadly.

Perhaps Russia would build some kind of trust with him. And once America let his guard down, he would kill him for good.

Russia looked in the mirror at his tuxedo. He knew he looked fine as fuck.

Ukraine walked past his room and stopped to stare at Russia. He couldn't help but to laugh. "Where the hell are you going? I've never seen you dressed like this before."

Russia slowly turned his head. "Fuck off."

Ukraine did the complete opposite of what Russia told him and came into his room. "Wait don't tell me you're going on a date!!!" He started to laugh more.

Belarus heard this and quickly ran into his room. "Russia you have a date and you didn't tell us?" She playfully hit him and chuckled. "I'm offended."

Russia sighed. He wished his siblings weren't so nosey. "It's not a date, it's a set up for a scheme."

"Aw he's embarrassed to admit it!" Belarus giggled.

"Am not. I'm telling you it's for a—oh why do I even bother." said Russia as he walked to the other side of the room to get something.

Kazakhstan then sneaked in and leaned against the door frame. "AHA! So what I'm hearing is true! Russia who's your date? Who's your date? Tellllll usssss!!!"

"He isn't my date!" Russia said as he fumbled through his things. He pulled out a little ring and slipped it onto his finger.

"HE?" said Ukraine, Belarus, and Kazakhstan at the same time.

Russia realized he had made a mistake.

"You're gay?" said Ukraine

"NO! ...Not really."

"The fuck you mean 'not really'??" interrogated Ukraine.

"Okay guys it really doesn't matter, we just need to help Russia prepare for his man." announced Belarus.

"EW he isn't my man- he's my victim!" shouted Russia.

Kazakhstan's face grew with horror. "You're going to rape him?!"

"What the fucK? NO!!!"

"Oh thank god." said Kazakhstan as he relaxed. "But seriously tell us who's your date!"

"Never in a million years..." remarked Russia.

Belarus then stated "Huh I guess Russia will never tell us...good thing we will just stalk him to find out ourselves."

Russia paused and cringed at the idea of his siblings monitoring him. "America. It's America. Happy?"

The three of his siblings glanced at each other displaying a very shocked look.

"AMERICA?" they said all together.


"But he's like so outta your league!" said Ukraine.

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