Chapter 9: Caught

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Russia lowers the spoon from his mouth. "Why? What is it now America?"

America holds up his spoon and pulls off a small thin layer of a gel substance.

"These spoons have been laced with poison."

Russia examines his spoon. He then begins to pull off a layer of the gel poison substance. "Holy shit."

America hides his poisoned spoon under the table. He quickly gets up to take another set of silverware from another table and sits back down.

"Wanna see something funny?" America started to grin.

Russia tilted his head not knowing if he should say yes.

It didn't matter what Russia's answer was. America was going to do what he wants.

America now took his normal spoon and made like he was eating his soup.

Shortly after Iran returned. "How is everything?"

"Oh it's amazing!" America began. "I've never had-" America then slammed his head on the table and stayed there lifelessly.

"Oh my god..." mumbled Russia. He could see what America was up to and he was trying not to let his laugh slip out.

Iran moved closer to America. "Oh my, are you alright? Should I call an ambulance?"

America then quickly swung his head up. "WOAH what a head rush!" He took his normal spoon and started mixing his soup as if nothing had happened. "Is there a secret ingredient in here?"

Iran looked at him with pure confusion. He was wondering what the hell just happened and how he was still alive. "No?"

America started to mix his spoon faster. "How about now?" He said with a smile.

Iran then realized America knew. He laughed nervously. "What are you going on about?"

"Oh nothing at all. I was just making a joke that your secret ingredient came from your spoon." America laughed.

Iran and Russia joined in with his laughter.

"Mhm, the secret ingredient is so good it should be considered a crime." Russia added.

Iran nodded and nervously laughed. "Well, if you need anything let me know." Iran started to walk away. He wanted to get far away from them. How did they know about the spoons?

"Wait just one quick thing." America said.

Iran gulped and slowly turned around. "Yes?"

America got up walking towards him and started swirling the normal spoon between his fingers to taunt him. "I wish to speak to the person in charge." He winked.

Iran was starting to worry even more. "Why? Is there something wrong?"

"Yes actually. My spoon has been tampered with."

"Да, mine has been as well." said Russia.

"Nonsense! I assure you it hasn't, no one would do such a thing!"

As Russia watched this play out, he started to feel grateful he wasn't caught by America. This probably would've been more enjoyable to him if the situation wasn't so ironic.

"In that case, I'm sure you wouldn't mind putting it in your mouth." America held out the spoon.

"I would mind actually. That's disgusting!" Iran said.

"Then I guess the spoon has been tampered with. Bring me your boss."

Iran then thought of an idea. "Fine, I will put both of the spoons in my mouth to prove you wrong." He took America's normal spoon and walked over and took Russia's poisoned spoon out of his hand.

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