Chapter 16: The Conversation

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Russia and America sat across from each other in the restaurant. It was more casual compared to the last one they went to together. They had already ordered their food and were waiting for it to arrive.

"So I can't believe we're dating..." America began. He had many things he wanted to ask Russia. He decided it would be best to slowly imbed his questions together instead of making it sound like he was running down a check list. He didn't want to overwhelm the Russian. Especially after him having an episode previously. He never would've thought Russia would have that kind of issue. It only made him want to learn more about him.

"Да, I was worried you were going to act stubborn for awhile." Russia admitted while chuckling.

America joined in with his chuckle. "Sorry, I swear I don't mean to. I'm easily driven by determination."

"Believe me I've noticed...but I think I'd rather you be stubborn than easily influenced by everyone."

"Congratulations, you are like the first person ever to compliment me on that." America said with a smile.

"Wow I feel so honored." Russia did a little bow.

America laughed. "Now let's do some serious talk, mainly about our relationship."

Russia took a sip of his water. "Okay. What do you have to say?" He didn't know what he could possibly be referring to. Honestly, what was so serious to talk about? He was hoping America wouldn't try to set rules or something stupid.

"I want to ask if you wanted our relationship to be secret? I know you aren't comfortable with kissing in public and all."

Russia placed his water back down. "Oh um... I don't really have a reason to keep it a secret. It's honestly up to you, I don't care." He didn't see a point in hiding anything. His siblings would find out regardless and he really didn't care what people thought of him. Of course he would feel a little uncomfortable with people knowing he was in fact gay but it didn't matter what he did; people would always have something bad to say about him. However, they wouldn't dare say it directly to his face.

America seemed to be caught off guard by that. His head perked up and stared at the Russian across from him."R-Really? You wouldn't be ashamed of me or anything?"

"Ashamed? Нет. Who could be ashamed with being with you? It's a flex if anything."

America slightly blushed when Russia said that. "When I was dating China, he wanted to keep our relationship on the down-low. He would say it would be a bad idea if we were seen together like that by people we know. Truth is, I know he wasn't proud to say I was his boyfriend. It didn't matter how much I tried, I could never be enough for him."

This made Russia feel a certain kind of way, mainly upset. He felt bad to know that he wasn't treated good. And what was even more chilling is that from the outside looking in, Russia would've never suspected that they were dating. They acted so coldly towards each other in public. It didn't even seem like they were pretending. "America I'm so sorry he-"

America cut him off. "Oh shit man I don't need your pity. Please save it. I was just answering your question. Yes he has done some fucked up things to me but it's all in the past now and I already got through it." He smiled through the pain which he chose to ignore. America didn't want Russia to feel that he was going to be compared to China constantly. He wanted a fresh restart and wanted to pretend he was never in a relationship previously.

Russia put his hands up in defense. "Alright my bad." He could tell it still bothered America, he didn't want to pester him about it but he wanted to know just one thing. "Do you mind telling me how you guys broke up in the first place?"

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