Chapter 11: Ghost boy

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Russia's head was killing him. Last night he drank too much and was suffering from a massive hangover.

He was planning to skip school today. He didn't feel like dealing with anything or anyone.

He heard a knock at his door and realized he didn't feel like dealing with his siblings either. He was hoping they'd just go to school without bothering him. He ignored the knock.

However, it did not go away.

"Whaaaaaat?" Russia groaned into his pillow.

"It's Kazakhstan, can I come in?"


He came in anyways. Russia noticed his siblings were very fond of doing this. He slightly turned and was grateful he was the only one to come in.

Kazakhstan sat by the edge of his bed and handed him a special drink to help him feel better. "Here, how are you feeling?"

Russia sat up and took it. "Thanks and I feel like shit." He drank it.

"Well that's expected. We watched you take three bottles to your room." Kazakhstan looked at the floor and saw them laying there empty. "Don't worry, the drink I gave you has electrolytes and will hydrate you. It'll help you feel better."

"Again thank you. I appreciate it."

Kazakhstan nodded. "Are you planning to skip school again?"

"Yes, what gave it away?" Russia said sarcastically.

"Russia, you've already skipped school 6 times alone this month because of drinking. Your habit is progressively getting worse, you have to get it under control."

"Is that all?" Russia wasn't in the mood to hear all of this right now. He obviously knew it was bad but at the very moment, he doesn't give a shit. He'd fix it if he could get his life together.

Kazakhstan sighed knowing his words weren't sticking to him. "Do you want to talk about what happened yesterday?"

"If I did, I would've already." Russia finished his drink and stood up. He almost fell but he kept his balance.

"Well I think we should talk about it. There is something you should know."

Russia subconsciously began to pick out his clothes. "Look Kazakhstan, I'm not feeling the best right now. I don't appreciate you telling Ukraine and Belarus about the crime I did and I certainly don't appreciate you lecturing me this early. Can't you save this shit for later? In case you haven't noticed, I'm not going to be cooperative right now."

"Fine Russia, be like that then. You take having concerning siblings for granted." Kazakhstan got up and left.

"AND I CERTAINLY DON'T APPRECIATE THAT EITHER!" Russia yelled to him through the closed door as he got dressed.

Russia was going to try to push himself to go to school. Not because he wanted to, but because he'd rather go to school in pain than go to summer school later on. It was nothing he couldn't handle, it was a pain he was very familiar with. So familiar it was oddly comfortable.

When he went downstairs to the kitchen. He was expecting to be interrogated by his siblings but they had already left.

"Thank god." Russia said as he quickly made himself breakfast. He knew they were pissed at him but he had other serious problems to worry about. They would get over it.


When Russia arrived at school he chilled by his locker and listened to music. He was in no rush to get to class.

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