Chapter 22: Deadly Feat

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America stared at his father in fear. They were trapped in the closet and he was going to die. No— he wasn't going to let his dad die in here, not like this.

He removed his jacket and pressed it onto his father's wounds. Putting pressure on it to slow the blood spill was the best he could do.

Uk looked at his worried son. "Ame? It's going to be okay. Believe me, I've been through worse." He spoke with his voice masked like he truly was fine. Attempting to cover up the pain that laced his voice.

"I'm taking you home." America said as he tied his jacket around his father's waist.

"What? But we've come so far, I will simply not allow it."

"He isn't even here. Any second longer we spend here is a waste."

Uk looked at him with tired eyes. "Fine, we will go then."

"Wait here." America said. He took out a baton from his pants and opened the closet door.

The owners of the voices looked at America with shock. Preparing themselves to fight the unexpected visitor.

America extended his baton and ran over to them, clocking them upside the head quickly. They dropped down cold.

Uk crept out of the closest. "Still not killing people huh?"

"Not my style." America opened the door for him.

Uk carefully walked out. "Says the one who is heavily armed and tried to bring a bazooka in here earlier."

America followed him down the stairs. "Scare tactic." When America was extremely worried and put into a life or death situation at the same time, he gave quick short answers. He couldn't joke around at a time like this, especially given his father's state.

Uk on the other hand, tended to joke around during dark times to enlighten the mood. He hated the fact he could make his loved ones ascend into worry for him. It was the last thing he wanted. And if he were to die, he couldn't have being in pain be his son's last memory of him.

They cautiously walked through the busy opened area, through the hallways, into the garage, and out the door when an entering truck gave them the opportunity. Once again, they were lucky to not draw attention.

When they arrived to their hidden parked truck. America heard a thud from behind him.

He turned around to see his father laying down on the ground.

"DAD!" America ran over to him and pressed two fingers onto his neck to feel his pulse.

He let out a sigh of relief when he still had a beating pulse. America knew he must've passed out due to lose of blood. His clothes were drenched in it. He picked him up and quickly laid him comfortably in the back seat. He wrapped more cloths on his wound to help apply pressure. He then saw the map sticking out of his father's pocket and decided to take it.

He quickly hopped onto the front seat and slammed his foot onto the gas.


America waited outside the emergency room. He knew his father would be okay now. They were operating on him.

Sitting down in the hallway of the hospital was strange. It radiated emotions of pure happiness from the birth of babies and yet, at the same time it radiated emotions of grief from the loss of loved ones. What a strange place.

As he sat with his hands folded in his lap, he knew he'd be waiting for a few hours. Part of him didn't want to leave his dad but he knew that he couldn't stay here for much longer, he had a mission. It was bothering him to his core, it was foolish to be wasting so much time. Lives were at risk.

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