Chapter 26: The Sky Is Falling

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"Scheiße!" Nazi called out as he looked around the blinking room. "Our prisoners have been released!"

Ussr quickly stood up and slammed his drinking glass on the floor making it shatter. "We can't rely on these guards for shit!"

America looked at Russia who was now standing up. They both know that neither of them freed the prisoners.

America smirked and then Russia smirked back. It was a green flag to blow the facility up now.

Ussr dashed to his computer and typed aggressively. "I'll block off all exits! Nazi, you know what to do!" Nazi dashed out of the room immediately.

"Like hell you will!" America kicked the computer off the desk causing it to break. Wouldn't be the first time he's done that.

"You little bitch!" Ussr angrily shouted at him as he looked at the state of the computer. The glitching screen extinguished the ounce of hope of it possibly being able to work again. He ripped off the computer mouse the threw it straight at America's head.

America ignored his now throbbing head and jumped over the desk to tackle Ussr on the ground. "Russia, go get Nazi!" America called out. He and Ussr were struggling on the floor as they wrestled each other.

Russia did not want to leave America alone with his father, he could find Nazi later.

America was choking Ussr with his hands around his neck. Ussr tried prying America's fingers off with a hand, and with the other hand he picked up a shard of glass on the floor and stabbed America in the arm. Turns out smashing the glass earlier onto the ground in rage benefited Ussr in the long run. America let out a cry as he was stabbed but refused to loosen his grip.

After hearing his cry, Russia felt an immediate rush of adrenaline and switched into protective mode. He ripped a pipe off the wall and without hesitation, he ran over to his dad and hit him in the head.

The pipe clanked on the ground next to his now unconscious father.

America looked up at him in shock, surprised he was picked over Russia's own flesh and blood. It was the last thing he expected. Not even he could imagine doing that to his own father. Yet again, he didn't think he'd ever be able to kill anyone in his life either. So it was both of them to step out of their comfort zones.

He was hesitant to speak, but he managed to choke out "Thank you Russia." America stood up carefully cradling his wounded arm. He picked the shard of glass out and threw it on the floor.

Russia nodded to his response while looking at his dad. He knew he'd never forgive him for this; Belarus was probably his new favorite now. But it had to be done.

"My dad probably hates me now." Russia said sadly.

"He's unconscious right now, I assure you he isn't thinking anything along those lines as of right now." America said attempting to cheer him up. A bit of guilt clouded his mind since Russia only did that to save him.

"Yeah but he still will. I've never disappointed him like this before, I failed to live up to his expectations." Russia was starting to regret what he had just done. He reacted too quickly. Everything happened too fast.

America sighed. He felt Russia was being too hard on himself. "If it's worth anything, I feel you did the right thing. Besides, what about your expectations?"

Russia shifted his gaze onto him. "What do you mean my expectations?"

"Are you proud of your father for what he's done?"

Russia shook his head no.

"Exactly. He disappointed you by doing all of this. He should've been better, if he was, none of this would've happened. You are not to be blamed." America said.

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