Chapter 19: The Calm Before The Storm

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That morning Russia walked America to his first period class. He stroked his short boyfriend's hair as he listened to him ramble.

"...And don't forget I expect to see you at my lunch table later today." America said radiating with happiness as if he hadn't just encountered the communists from before.

"Oh Ame, how could I forget? Don't you remember the deal we made last night?"

"The one where if everything goes south I gotta suck your dick?"

Russia tugged America's hair with a heating face. "NO- I never agreed to that..."

America tensed up at his hair being pulled. "Ow ow ow ow ow—okAy!"

Russia loosened his grip with a chuckle. "Glad you finally understand." He ruffled his hair and continued stroking it.

"Sheesh I was only kidding teddy bear, I know you'd be too afraid to pick something like that... you'd probably make me go somewhere unusual with you."

Russia rolled his eyes knowing his guess was wrong. "Guess you will have to wait and see."

"Wow, do you really think it's going to all end tragically? Have some faith in me please." America joked.

"Oh I know it's going to end tragically." Russia countered.

They arrived to America's class.

"Well I know it's going to end just fine." America said while smirking. "You're adorable when you are paranoid by the way." America stood up on his tippy toes to try to give Russia a kiss.

Russia laughed as he watched his short boyfriend struggle to reach him. "And I find it adorable how you are small."

America grew annoyed. "Shut up." He grabbed Russia's ushanka flaps and pulled him down into a kiss.

Russia's eyes went wide for a second before he closed them and kissed back. When they pulled away they were greeted with the other smiling with warming cheeks.

"Cya later my Ruskins!" America said while walking into his class.

Russia waved to him. "Later my sweet baby Meri." he teased back.

America paused for a second in the classroom when he heard the new nickname Russia gave him in his thick accent. It caught him off guard and caused him to blush. He quickly made his way over to his seat and hid his face hoping his lover didn't see. He immediately knew he did see when he heard him laughing in the hallway. "Jackass." was America's first thought as he fought the urge not to smile to himself. He was thankful it was still really early and hardly anyone was in his class to pay attention to him. He watched as his Russian disappeared into the school.


Russia slid over the table as gunshots were being fired at him. He flipped the table onto it's side to give him more cover from the people shooting at him. He breathed heavily as he reloaded his handgun. The barrier he made could only protect him for so much time.

While Russia was sitting in his first period class, he had gotten an alert on his phone that a bounty was nearby. Figuring he was bored in his class and had nothing better to do, he left school grounds to get them. This bounty however, had help and was making it difficult for Russia. It's not the first time Russia has been outnumbered, he naturally became accustomed to it because he's always done this job on his own. He just wished he wasn't up against 12 people.

The bounty he was after obviously had wealth and hired body guards to protect him. Russia found this to be irritating. He had already wasted so much time and he had to be back at the school soon. America would be upset if he didn't show up at lunch. He had to hurry.

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