Chapter 2: The Efficient Scheme

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Russia sat in class and slightly chewed his pen. Ever since lunch, he's been plotting on how to kill the American. For the average person this would be hard to digest, but for Russia it didn't phase him because it wasn't anything new.

He was a bounty hunter. However, he never really turned his bounties in alive. "It's easier to handle them when they are dead" he would say. Why should he have to spare a criminal's life? His bosses never complained because he got the job done quickly and efficiently. He saw no reason to change it.

He was interrupted from his thoughts when America sat in front of him. America obviously did this on purpose to fuck with him. He's been doing it to the group since the incident. It was him taking advantage of this situation and getting back at them. He would stop by tomorrow. He wasn't one to usually fool around like this. He gets bored pretty quickly. Although he knew they wouldn't dare test him...or so he thought.

This pissed Russia off a lot. He knew he obviously couldn't kill him now. Too many witnesses in the classroom.

He wanted him dead. He really wanted him dead.

Then he finally thought of a plan. He'll write him a letter to lure him under the staircase later. No one will hear him scream and there will certainly be no people or cameras. It'll be perfect.

He eagerly took his red thick-inked pen and began to write the letter. Russia figured an anonymous love letter would catch America's interest. When he finished the letter he folded it and tucked it away in his pocket. He would put it in his locker later.

As Russia continued to do his work, America turned around to face him.

"Hey buddy, do you have a pencil I can borrow? I forgot mine." It was obviously a lie.

"No." immediately replied Russia without looking up.

"Huh I thought communists liked to share."

"I'm not a fucking communist."

America thought for a second and rephrased his words. "Huh I thought people friends with communists liked to share."

Russia stopped writing and slowly looked up at America. "What do you want from me?"

"I just told you dummy, a pencil please!" He held his hand out and waved his fingers around.

"America I'm not giving you a pencil or anything. I know you have some in your bag. So put that thing away." He pushed his hand away.

America found this all very funny. Russia was the only one out of his friends to not give into the bullshit. "Wow you're so sassy. Still mad I see?—Oh look!" He then takes Russia's red pen that was in his hand. "Thanks, this one will do!"

"Hey I was using that! America how childish could you be? You already got what you wanted, in what way do you benefit from bothering me?" He was definitely more enthusiastic about killing him later.

"I think it's safe to say you are just as childish as me. You couldn't even find the patience in you to lend me a writing utensil. I get amusement from that. I benefit from being entertained."

"You pathetic low life. You know, you are going to regret the way you behave one day."

"Nah, I don't think I will." America turns around and begins to write with the red thick-inked pen.

Russia clenches his fists before getting another pen from his bag. "I fucking hate him." he thought to himself.

Russia then begins to picture him brutally killing America. This thought strangely brings him pleasure and comfort.

When the bell rings America turns around again and slides the pen onto Russia's desk. "Thanks." He gets up with his things and talks to his friends by the door.

Russia rolls his eyes and shoves the pen into his bag. He came to the conclusion that now would be a good time to put the letter in his locker. He quickly left the classroom and began to walk through the crowded halls. He made sure not to make eye contact with anyone, he feared a conversation would set him back—not that it was likely for anyone to talk to him anyways but he'd rather be on the safe side.

He arrived to his locker. You couldn't miss it, America's locker was obnoxiously decorated with red, white, and blue stickers. Russia despised all the unnecessary bullshit on there but it made it easier to find it so he wasn't going to complain.

He looked to make sure the coast was clear, and he slipped the letter in there and walked off casually as if he didn't just plant it there.

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