Chapter 4: Unplanned Confession

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America tucked the letter into his notebook and closed his locker and began to walk.

"Does Russia have a crush on me?" He thought to himself. "That doesn't even make any sense—he hates me. It has to be all some dirty trick, especially after what I did to him and his friends. I'd be an idiot if I fell for something like that. Yet again, what if he really does? Hell, I'd have a crush on me too. What a fucking plot twist that would be. I'm dying to know."

America subconsciously made his way to under the big staircase. His curiosity was eating him. He knew he could defend himself if something were to happen, however, he didn't think anything would.

Russia was pleased when he saw the American wondering over to the staircase. He followed him quietly while grinning.

America stood and patiently waited for Russia to arrive. He did at 2:59 PM.

America slowly turned to face him. "Why I've been expecting you Russia."

"You have?" This worried Russia a bit, what if he knew what he was really up to? America always seemed to be 10 steps ahead of everyone else.

"Of course I have. I recognized your red pen on your little letter. I find that very cute you know." He smirked and began to walk more over to him. "But how do I know for sure you actually do like me hm?"

Russia internally sighed with relief. Good. He didn't suspect he was about to kill him. But he could see he was getting suspicious.

"Oh I can easily prove that to you." He grabbed America's face with his hand and started to lean in to kiss him. It wouldn't bother him in the slightest since he knew he was about to be dead. A kiss would be the perfect distraction.

When America realized Russia was trying to kiss him, he panicked. He pulled his face away from his grip while blushing. "OK calm down I get the idea man. You've definitely proved yourself- you move quickly, wow..." He was shocked that Russia attempted to kiss him just now. It seemed very odd for him to do something like that. He knows he has to have another motive. What was Russia really trying to get from him?

"Yeah you're right. I love to get straight to the point. I'd rather hear you scream instead." And with that Russia swiftly took out a pocket knife and pushed him against the wall and held it to his neck. He was hoping to see him in fear, he was unsatisfied when he didn't.

America stared at him in a confused manner. He still didn't realize Russia was trying to kill him. He thought "Wait so he wants to fuck me? Is that what he's trying to do right now?" America was now more angry than flustered. He didn't like to be confused. He couldn't tell if Russia liked him or if he was just pretending. And America hates pretenders.

He grabbed Russia's hand that held the knife and squeezed a certain spot in his wrist to cause him to loosen his grip on the knife. Russia drops the knife, it is quickly caught by America and he throws it up into the ceiling.

Russia looks up at the knife stabbed into the ceiling and quickly stares at America. That happened too fast. He knows he fucked up.

"Leave your kinks at home." demanded America. "What makes you think I want to fuck you right after I declined your kiss? Are you that desperate? I cannot believe you right now. You are confusing as fuck. At least buy me dinner first." He crossed his arms.

Russia stared at him in disbelief. America was convinced that he liked him. And he was stupid enough to even give Russia a chance.

His knife was stuck in the ceiling so he wanted to take the next possible opportunity to kill him.

"Dinner would be nice. Can I pick you up later today?"

"Nah." America knew something was up. He didn't know exactly what, so he decided to test Russia. He wanted to see if he was telling the truth or lying; and how far he could be pushed if he was lying.

Russia narrowed his eyebrows "I'm sorry what? You literally suggested that."

"Aw aren't you adorable. Are you forgetting I have a life? I'm working later today."

Russia looked up begging to be blessed with patience. "Well...what time do you get off from work?"

"Uh..." America didn't know how to answer this. He didn't exactly have a fixed working schedule. His job could take anywhere from an hour to a week. However tonight, he believed he wouldn't take that long.

"Is 9 too late for you?" America asked.

"Nope. It's perfect. Can I pick you up at your house?"

"Yeah I guess, not like you'd pick me up at the post you know where I live?"

Russia shakes his head. "No but I will find out."

"That's creepy, you could just ask me— I am right here."

"America, that's what I meant. How else would I find out?"

"Ohh right. Before I tell you though, I have a question."

"And that is?"

"Why would you wait until now to tell me this? You know, after I threatened you with the footage? Are you aware of how weird this situation is?"

Russia was now again worrying that he was catching on. "Um because... you said to never bother you again and I couldn't stand pushing you away anymore." His tone sounded so sincere and convincing.

America still had his doubts but he sorta came to the conclusion that Russia might have been being mean to him this whole time because he was scared of showing his emotions. Little did he know, Russia truly hated everything about him and wanted him dead. He was done with all the trouble America has caused him.

"Very well then." America pulls out a pen from his pocket and takes Russia's arm and writes his address on it.

Russia watched as he did this. "I thought you said you didn't have a pen."

"And I thought you said I was a pathetic low life." He clicks his pen. "I'll see you at 9." He winks at him and walks away.

Russia stands there watching him leave and mumbles "You will always be a pathetic low life cyka."

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