Chapter 14: Many Alterations

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For the rest of the school day, it was nearly impossible for Russia and America to interact with each other. They weren't avoiding each other, the problem was America being surrounded by his friends constantly. They've noticed he went to class late and was skipping in the beginning of the school day. This was abnormal behavior for him and they called him out for it. He sat in the lunchroom uncomfortably shutting down their questions.

"America-San, it doesn't make any sense. What were you really doing? You're hiding something." Japan said before taking a bite of her food.

America chuckled and plastered on a confused expression. "I already told you, nothing happened. I had to assist teachers regarding council things."

"The teachers aren't allowed to interfere with your classes like that. Education comes first." Germany said.

"Well today they had to. My grades are good so it's not going to affect me in anyway, shape, or form. You guys need to totally chill." America said.

"But-" Japan was then cut off.

"C'mon eh. If Ame really couldn't handle it, he would've addressed it. He isn't one to be quiet if something bothers him. Besides it's impossible to find his flaws." Canada added.

"Exactly, you guys are getting worked up for nothing. Having a ton a leadership roles isn't easy." said Italy.

"Literally! Thank you guys! See? At least they understand!" said America while chuckling.

"We will still have our suspicions! Something tells me the way you portray yourself is to only cover up a troublemaker." South Korea said.

America sighed while rolling his eyes. "I officially give up. Don't you guys have anything interesting to bring to the table? Something worth debating over?" America wished people would stop searching him for a mistake. He knew he was far from perfect. He's just better at hiding his mistakes and fixing them before anyone can notice. To everyone he was extremely outgoing, intelligent, and likable. He didn't think his friends would ever betray him but he didn't want to take that chance.

Japan giggled. "Fine fine, I do have some tea though."

"If you pull out boba tea from your bag..." South Korea began.

"No! I'm serious!!" Japan said. "Didn't you hear? Some teachers said they heard people making out in a closet—but when they opened it, they were gone!"

America's face started burning up. He tried to act as natural as he could.

"People just don't disappear like that Japan! I think your story is fake." Germany said.

"No it's true! My math teacher was one of them who was there. They told our class!" Japan said.

"Seems legit." South Korea added.

"Gross, who would even want to do that there?" Italy said while laughing.

"Couples that are horny and desperate for physical contact." Canada said.

America laughed weakly. "Yeah...they must be addicted to each other."

The table had become loud with laughter. America was thankful they were too distracted to notice him blushing.


Russia walked around the school during lunch. Usually he would sit with China, Vietnam, and and North Korea. However, there was one tiny problem. China. He didn't want to be anywhere near him right now. He wandered to behind the school hoping to see America sitting there. He was not. Russia should've known he usually isn't one to sit alone.

He went to the cafeteria and saw America sitting at a lunch table with his friends. Russia discretely watched him from the distance. He wishes he could sit with him but that too would be a problem. Everyone there didn't exactly have a positive opinion on him. Besides, they might be scared shitless. And Russia wouldn't know how America would react. The American was quite unpredictable. He could openly admit to everyone he liked Russia and allow him to sit with them, he could pretend that he didn't know what Russia was talking about, or he could completely resent him and be mean. Russia didn't want to see what he would do so he decided to keep his distance.

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