Chapter 17: Predicaments At Home

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America and Russia's date had come to an end. They giggled with each other the whole way as they walked to Russia's car. The air was euphoric and filled only with joy. Such radiating warmth would make one think the sun was out in the middle of the night. The boys got into the car and drove off conversing the entire way. Russia pulled over in front of America's house.

America smiled softly at him. "Thank you Russ, I had an amazing time." He was disappointed the date was over already.

Russia smiled back at him. "I did too." He reached over and pecked a kiss on his cheek. "I love you, I'll see you tomorrow."

America blushed while chuckling at his gesture. "I love you too." Before America got out of the car a thought came to his head. "Tomorrow I want you to sit at my lunch table with me."

"Really?" Russia said in a shocked tone. "But what about all your friends?" Russia was worried about sitting at America's table. He knew his friends didn't think highly of him, he would feel uncomfortable the entire time.

"What about them?" America said with a smirk. America wanted to involve Russia more in his life in anyway possible. He felt his own friends were much better than Russia's friends. "Don't be afraid, I promise you they'll be nice."

Russia laughed. "Oh I'm not afraid of them, they're afraid of me!"

"Then don't intimidate them."

"Tch easier said than done America. They know I'm a troublemaker and know not to associate themselves near me." Russia said almost as if he was bragging about it.

America chuckled. "You aren't exactly the troublemaker you say you are. You are passing all of your classes."

"Well I'm not necessarily a good-...wait how did you know that?" Russia cocked his eyebrow up.

America smiled nervously and shrugged.

Russia saw his reaction and immediately knew. "You used your damn student council privileges and background checked my grades didn't you?!"

"Uhh..." America nervously laughed. "Yeah you caught me, I did. Sorry I tend to get curious."

Russia's eye twitched as he stared at his boyfriend in disbelief. He couldn't believe that he was granted access to his personal information like that.

It was true though, he did care about his grades. He was no idiot to let himself fail basic classes. Naturally he was very smart, he knew it wasn't hard for himself to bounce back if he decided to slack off from time to time.

He only seemed to be a troublemaker because of the people he hung around. His gang of communist friends were usually always involved in some kind of drama so it kept Russia busy and entertained. He found it amusing to discreetly rough up his peers when they decided to test him.

Plus he generally did whatever he wanted. If he wanted to have a smoke break during his classes, he would leave and have a smoke break. No one was going to stop him. He got away with pretty much everything. No one would dare snitch on him. The teachers wouldn't even bother writing him up for detention when he would leave class randomly. He was the smartest student in there and they respected him for it. However, from the students' point of view, they would never know that. Russia liked the special privileges he got. That time when America threatened to blackmail him, he was afraid he'd lose it all.

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