Chapter 21: Sketchy Business

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When America came home early, he rushed straight to his bedroom and shut the door. His siblings weren't home from school yet and his father was running errands.

France was the only one home as of right now. She was in the kitchen testing out new recipes. She noticed America's peculiar behavior. She knew something bad must've happened to him.

France quickly fixed America a snack and walked to his room to go check on him.

America thankfully didn't have to go to school the next day. It would be the weekend. He needed time to recover from everything that had happened. He threw his things on the ground and collapsed on his bed. It was hard for him to take everything in. He again felt so heartbroken. He wanted to stay with Russia but he didn't feel comfortable dating a murderer, and he shouldn't have to. It felt wrong, so so wrong. He's seen a bunch of movies and TV shows, he knows what happens in situations like these.

There was then a gentle knock at the door. It interrupted him from his thoughts. "Yes?"

"It's me honey, may I come in?" France asked.

There was a pause before America responded "Yes."

France gracefully opened the door and closed it behind her. She laid the snack down on America's nightstand and sat down at the end of his bed. "Is everything alright?"

America sat up remaining to himself. His hands laid in his lap and his gaze stayed inwards. "Yes, I'm fine. Thank you for checking on me."

France scooted more over to him and patted his back. "America, I wasn't born yesterday. I can tell something is wrong."

"I will be fine."

France frowned. "I haven't seen you upset like this since—". Before she could say "China", she was cut off by America.

"I wish to be alone please."

And then France immediately knew.

"Did something happen with Russia?"

America remained silent and didn't move. He didn't want to explain the entire thing.

"America?" France called softly.

He nodded his head yes. He didn't see a point in lying since it was already obvious. "I had to break up with him."

France covered her mouth. "Oh no... what happened?"

"I'd rather not talk about it now. I'll explain later."

"No America, please don't push your mother away. Tell me."

America once again remained silent in an attempt to bottle up his emotions. He knew if he started talking about it, everything would come out. That was the last thing he wanted.

However, a clever boy will always have an idea.

"How about we do a trade?"

"A trade?" France asked. She thought it was a strange request at a time like this.

"Yes. I'll tell you what you want to know about Russia and I, and you'll tell me about what is going on with you and dad."

"Hm? I'm afraid I don't know what you are referring to." France lied. She was all for keeping America in the loop but after hearing that he just broke up, she didn't know if it were the best thing to do.

Although, she was very glad she never told him that Russia was a bounty hunter too. It could've made the situation much worse. Yet, that didn't mean she'd ever admit to Uk that he was right about this one.

"Mom, I wasn't born yesterday. I can tell something is wrong." America quoted from his mom.

She stood up gracefully and acted unbothered. "We will not be partaking in this trading today. Perhaps another time." She walked out closing the door behind her.

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