Chapter 24: Abduction

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Russia was beyond lost. He walked down every hallway and into every room, killing people along the way, he could not find papa.

Wouldn't his father know he is here by now? He's caused such a great disturbance. Did he have to paint his name in blood for his father to realize he was here?

Russia then made his way down a hallway where he hasn't been yet. Strange, how did he not see it before?

When he came to the end, he was now in a room with one long hallway. As he walked towards it, he turned around and noticed there were six hallways behind him. He had came from the third one.

"Oh?" Russia said very pleased. He was not done exploring. He'd figure he'd start from the right. He walked down the sixth hallway.

He pushed open two steel doors and was greeted by the sound of applause.

The room was a lounge area and many guards sat at tables eating. There was a giant TV in front of them all but it wasn't streaming shows.

It was streaming Russia. It was the security camera monitor.

Russia quickly whipped out his two guns ready to kill them all. The guards didn't even flinch. They were expecting him and he didn't know what they had in store for him. Russia knew this was all too easy.

"Easy Russia!" A familiar voice called out. The tall figure walked in front of the screen. It was his father.

"Papa!" Russia called out. He put his guns away and ran over to hug him.

Ussr hugged him back with a smile. "You have made me very proud son."

Russia pulled away from the hug confused. "I killed a large fraction of your men and you aren't upset?"

"No, they are all replaceable."

"Then why are you proud of me?" Russia questioned.

"I've been waiting a long time for you to show up here. A few months past and I see you've finally met your breaking point. I always knew it was a matter of time before you'd find me. It was a competition between you and all your siblings to see who can find me first; and the prize was to own this new facility when I die. From the cameras, I've witnessed that you have it in you to pick up after the business. You met all the qualifications. You will do whatever it takes to locate someone, and that someone was me."

Russia looked at his father with a confused expression, not knowing what to say. He didn't even know how to feel about all of this.

"I'm not surprised my favorite exceeded my expectations once again." Ussr said with a smile. All the guards around him then clapped.

When the applause died down, Russia spoke up. "You abandoned your family without saying anything for some ridiculous competition?"

Ussr stopped smiling. "You clearly misunderstand. Walk with me." He headed for the door and made his way down the hallway with Russia.

"Russia, I need you to understand that when I went away, it wasn't planned. Nazi, a dangerous criminal who had just gotten relieved from prison, was due for another court trial. I was hired to bring them in. It was a very long chase and along the way many things happened."

Russia listened to his father speak not daring to interrupt. It didn't matter how upset he was at him.

"When I captured him, he told me this brilliant idea that could bring me so much wealth if I didn't turn him in right away. I kept him under my wing and allowed him to work to see if what he was saying was actually true. I couldn't bring him home to you all because I didn't trust him. So that meant, if I had to watch him, I couldn't be around you guys."

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