Chapter 23: Unwanted Reunion

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America was sleeping peacefully. He was practically driving for the entire night, trying to reach the other base. He became exhausted and knew the tired state he was in wouldn't do him any good.

America felt it would be best to park along side the road and get some sleep. He'd continue his ride in the morning. Now it was the morning and he had to keep his word.

The warm sun greeted him and told him to wake up. He shut down the warm greeting by putting on his sunglasses.

The road was quiet and he was surrounded by trees. There were no threats of possibly running into traffic and he wasn't really in a rush. He deserved to sleep. He'll wake up in the afternoon and continue his journey.

His stomach then growled and he knew it was too late.

"UGH FINE!" He woke up and reclined his seat up. It was impossible for him to sleep on an empty stomach. He knew of only one person who could though.

He chuckled at the thought. Russia had told him once that his father would make him "eat sleep for dinner" whenever he misbehaved. Russia clearly had to become accustomed to it.

America's smile then faded away remembering that they were no more. He grabbed his leftovers from the passenger seat that he picked up from last night and ate them. He pulled out his phone seeing many missed calls and text messages from his father, mother, brothers, and Russia.

He wishes he can toss his phone outside of the car.

He decided to check the messages from Russia first. He left the most anyways and he wanted to know what he had to say. America was shocked at how many times he tried to call him, careful not to click the return call button—that would be embarrassing.

He noticed how his messages first started with sincere apologies and then slowly faded into sad and angry random messages. Some of the messages made America feel bad. The last text message clarified that he was drunk which made a lot more sense. What shocked him was at the end of his message. Russia used his own words against him and then said goodbye.

America was about to send him a message until he noticed his send arrow was green. Russia had blocked him. America narrowed his eyebrows and his jaw dropped but he quickly closed in an attempt to convince himself he didn't care. He exited his message app and opened his voicemails.

He listened to the sad drunk Russian. Some of the voicemails were getting repetitive, one stuck out though. He sounded different in this one; angry. America felt guilty after listening to it. Some parts he didn't understand such as when he was talking about his job but he felt bad. America wished he could've left him without hurting him. Shit, he wished he could've stayed—why did he have to be a killer?

It didn't matter anymore though. Russia was clearly done with him.

America then saw all the piling messages from his family. He finally decided to answer all the messages from his family and explained that he was okay and how he wasn't returning home until he completed his mission.

He was extremely upset when he found out his dad set up the bounties. "Dad clearly has no faith in me..." America thought. It made him upset that his father didn't think he was capable enough.

Well he was going to prove him wrong. He was going to prove everyone wrong. He can handle doing bounty hunting by himself. He doesn't need his dad to help him and he certainly didn't need China. He doesn't need a partner period.

He tossed his finished food into the seat and hit the gas.

He only had one hour left until he was there.


That loud base that vibrated the entire road was Russia.

He blasted his music as he drove to get his parents. Germany was nice enough to include a short cut for him, he'd arrive at the base shortly. Shortly meaning in about an hour.

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