Chapter 25: I Hate My New Job

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America slowly opened his eyes and was greeted with a bright white light. Was he dead?

He looked around in a panic. He was not dead. He was in a clean white room laying down on a white bed. He was about to sit up but immediately winced in pain. However, he saw all his wounds have been treated... and he was in some sort of red suit with gold, black, and white accents. He was afraid that he knew exactly where he was, the one place he didn't want to be. Why didn't he just die in the sea.

He forced himself to sit up and ignored all his pain. He rubbed his eyes.

"Why was I saved?!" He called out.

He wasn't expecting an answer to his rhetorical question but to his surprise the door creaked opened.

America eyed the door as he watched Russia pop his head in.

"Good morning beautiful. How do you feel?" Russia asked with a smile.

"Outstanding. Thanks for asking." America replied sarcastically.

Russia let himself in with a tray of food and closed the door behind him. "I brought you food."

"Drop the nice simp act and tell me what the hell happened."

Russia placed the tray of food on a white table beside America. "Shouldn't you know? You were there." Russia teased.

"How did I get out of the water?"

"A helicopter flew above you and a rescue team dropped down and pulled you out." Russia answered.

"But why save me? You guys tried to kill me!"

"Everyone heard about what you did. My dads saw it too through their surveillance. It was impressive and unbelievable. I thought it was super badass..."

America blushed at the compliment.

"They want to work something out with you. I don't know what, I was only told to care for you and notify them when you wake up."

"Oh..." A million thoughts raced through America's head. He wasn't sure what he should say or how to feel about this. It was quite overwhelming.

Russia extended his arms out towards the food tray. "Here, eat!"

America looked over to Russia and cocked his eyebrow up. "Are you trying to poison me again?"

Russia rolled his eyes and picked up his toast and bit into in aggressively while remaining eye contact. "If I wanted to poison you, I would've done it while you were sleeping."

"Alright, sounds believable." America reached over to snatch the toast from Russia and started eating. He was starving.

Russia chuckled as he watched him scoff down his food.

"What's so funny?" America asked with a mouthful of food.

"Nothing. You just look adorable right now." Russia replied.

"Fuck off..." America's said with a warming face. "I think I deserve to eat this anyway I want considering what I just went through."

Russia chuckled again. He pulled over a chair to sit across from him. "So are you still going to try to capture my parents?"

"Well that was the plan... considering the state I'm in right now, I don't know."

"You're full of shit. You managed to break out of your chains, not drown, wrestle an alligator, kill the torment guard, kill multiple guards while being out numbered, steal a truck, escape, shoot guards behind you while driving, make the jump across to the other side of the opening bridge, and survive jumping off the bridge. Don't tell me you can't capture two people after all of that."

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