Chapter 20: The Bitter Hurtful Truth

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Russia and America's relationship was flourishing. The world seemed a little bit more brighter to them both. Time flies when you are having fun, so it was a no brainer a week flew by so quickly.

Within that time, the boys did nothing but spend time together and learn so much about each other. Bonding with one another came naturally to them. But we know all good things must come to an end eventually.

"Times up." China said.

North Korea looked over his shoulder to look at China. "Please leave them alone. I'm telling you it isn't worth it." North didn't want China to carry out his plan. He needed America to date Russia to secure the fact he wasn't interested in China anymore.

It was lunch time. America and Russia decided to eat outside and give themselves a break from America's friends. They wanted alone time together.

Far in front of them sat China and North Korea.

"North, as much as I appreciate your feedback... it's not going to make me change my mind." China admitted. "I've waited months and have been nothing but patient! Russia screwed over my entire plan, I was so close with America."

"Technically speaking, that would be your own fault. In a way, you did send him after America. Quit being foolish and move on from this already. I still can't understand why you are so persistent on someone like America." North said. He was annoyed that China wasn't listening to him and he was clearly a bit jealous.

China narrowed his eyebrows, not pleased with his friend's remark. "I don't need you to understand. You are as dull as a rock on a curb. And as far as I'm aware, you live under it as well when it comes to loving." China stood up, dusted himself off, and started walking over to Russia and America. However, he didn't make it too far. North's hand had latched to his arm causing him to stop.

"You have some nerve saying something like that you know." North said. "I'm trying to help you." North was offended by his comment.

"Then let me go." China snatched his arm away from North's grasp and walked away. What an odd reaction he thought.

North Korea watched China walk towards Russia and America. He wanted to bitch slap some sense into the Chinese boy. He gathered his things and left the sight. He decided it was for the best. North despised feeling so helpless in this situation. He didn't know how to stop China without making him hate him. That was the last thing he wanted to do. Plus he couldn't even bare to see what China was going to do to the happy couple.

With some given thought, China knew exactly what would break them up. He was aware of everything that could possibly upset America, and one of them is lying. He knew America hated it most. Imagine if he found out his happy little relationship was completely built off of that. Lies. This idea made China smile.

America had burst out laughing at the last thing Russia had said. He wiped away a tear. "Dude you're literally making me cry right now, let me finish my damn sandwich please!" He managed to say in between his laughs.

Russia laughed with him. "Sorry sorry— I don't want you to choke." He patted America's head.

America burst out laughing again. "Haha that sounded so wrong dude!" Instead of a pat, America received a playful punch from Russia.

"Not like that moron!" Russia said while laughing. "Why are you so immature..."

"I know i know!" America said finally calming down. "Sorry, I can't help it love."

An eerie presence then approached them. The boys looked up to see China standing in front of them.

"'s like déjà vu ain't it?" America said. He remembered the first time he's seen this. Eating his lunch alone before being approached by China and his crew. Good times? No, not really. At least this time around he seemed to be in a better situation.

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