Chapter 6: Surprises

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America quickly sprinted home from work. He glanced at his watch on his wrist.

"8:37...perfect I still have time." he said to himself.

When America arrived at his house, he immediately ran over to his room outside and climbed up a tree and opened his window. He didn't want to go through the front door because he didn't have time to be interrogated by his family. He slipped inside his room and quickly ran to his shower.

He was thankful that he remembered to leave his window unlocked.

A few minutes later America got out of the shower and got dressed in a nice hoodie and jeans. He started to comb his hair.

It may appear America is terrible at time management, however, that is only because he has too many responsibilities to fulfill at once and it can get overwhelming. He handles it all rather well, but everyday is a challenge for him. At least it keeps him busy, makes his life somewhat adventurous, and makes him value any alone time he gets to himself to relax.

Right as he finished doing his hair, he heard a knock at the door. He shoved a few things in his pocket and ran to opened the door. His facial expression changed dramatically from what he saw.

Russia stood at the doorway in a tuxedo holding out a bouquet of flowers for him.

"Привет америка—"

Before Russia could finish his greeting he rehearsed in his car, America slammed the door in his face. Russia stood there dumbfounded.

America looked down while slightly blushing and analyzed what the fuck he just witnessed and hoped when he opened this door again, Russia would be dressed more casually.

However, when he opened the door again, Russia was not.

"What in the fuck are you wearing? I thought we were going to see a movie or something! You didn't mention anything about dressing handsome!!" America said.

Russia decided to take that as a compliment. He cocked one of his eyebrows up and smirked "Didn't know I had to tell you to get dressed nicely for a date. Need me to tell you when to breathe too?"

America squinted his eyes at Russia. "Give me 5 minutes." He again, slammed the door in his face.

Russia tapped his foot impatiently. He was pissed off on how he put in all this effort and America didn't even try. He knew it wasn't a real date but it made him want to just butcher him like an animal instead of killing him in an elaborate way.

Russia then began hearing yelling back and forth in French. He recognized America's voice but didn't know who he was talking to.

The front door jiggled opened and there stood a joyful France.

"Bonjour!" She kissed him on both of his cheeks to greet him. "I'm France, America's mom. Please come inside!"

Russia smiled "Привет, nice to meet you Mrs. France, I'm Russia." He stepped inside.

She nodded and walked over to the kitchen. "Please have a seat, can I get you anything to drink?"

He sat down. "Oh, no thank you I'm alright". However France was already making her way back to him with two glasses of water.

She handed him a glass and sat across from him. "Ah.. thank you." He sipped the water. She smiled and nodded. He never had a mother so he found her presence quite refreshing.

"Excuse my son for leaving you outside like that. He had to have picked that up from his last partner. He's usually much more nicer." France said.

Russia lowered his glass placing it down and tilted his head. "Last partner?" He didn't know America was in a previous relationship. He didn't think he was capable of doing that.

Just as France was about to go more into detail, America walked down the staircase in a nice suit. "See mom? I told you I wouldn't leave him out there long.." not realizing Russia was right there.

Russia turned around to face him. He definitely wasn't used to seeing him dressed nice. It started to make his stomach hurt.

France jumped up. "Oh you look so lovely darling!" She ran over and hugged him. "Now you two have a good time!"

America hugged her back and chuckled. "Don't worry we will!" When he backed away he then locked eyes with Russia. "Wait you were here the entire time?"

Russia nodded.

" quiet I didn't even realize." America said. "Well goodbye mom! See you later!" Russia knew America would not be seeing her later.

America held his hand out for Russia. "Shall we?"

Russia hesitated at first but he took his hand and they walked out the door together.

"Sooo...I clean up pretty nicely don't you think?" America began.

"Oh wow America, you slapped on a suit and changed your hair a little. I'm so impressed." Russia opened the car door for him and pushed him inside and closed the door.

"HEY! Watch it!!" America said as this was happening. America could see Russia's resentment towards him. Before America lets him drive him anywhere, he wanted to quickly test and see if he was really just being a little bitch about liking him.

When Russia got in the car on the other side, America started to execute his test.

"You know Russia, you're right. The suit really isn't that impressive."

"Took you long enough." He started the car.

"Yeah, I'm going to just take it off." He started to unbutton his shirt and lean more over to Russia's side.

This caught Russia off guard. "W-Wait the fuck? America knock it off and keep your damn shirt on!" He tried not to look.

"Aw what's the matter? Weren't you the one who tried to fuck me earlier? Surely, you'd prefer me with my clothes off than my suit." America slid off his shirt.

Russia was starting to panic internally. He knows America is the type of person to purposely take things too far. He just wanted to poison him, not have him strip. This stupid American was ruining everything.

America then unzipped his pants and wiggled his eyebrows at Russia.

"YOU LOOK HOT IN YOUR SUIT!" Russia blurted out.

America really wasn't expecting that reaction from him. His face warmed a little and he blinked a few times at him to be sure he processed that correctly.

Russia couldn't help but to blush at his sudden outburst. He turned away and sank in his chair and started to drive. "Sorry..."

America cleared his throat and dressed himself again and looked over to Russia. He noticed the color in his cheeks and softly smiled.

"Well I'll be damned, it seems he does like me." America thought to himself. He was put more at ease.

He then suddenly remembered the awkward tension in the air. He looked around the car in an attempt to spark up a conversation to change the subject. His eyes landed upon the little flower bouquet in a cup holder.

America reached over and picked them up and examined them. "Were these for me?"

"Uh huh." Russia said keeping his eyes on the road the entire time.

"Well thank you, they are beautiful. I can see they are custom made."

"Yes, my brother-" Russia was cut off by America.

"Ukraine. Yeah I can tell Ukraine made them. He gives flowers like this to Canada."

"He does? Why?"

America faced Russia and hung his head implying to him that was a dumb question.

Russia caught on. "Oh... I didn't know that they were.. ew."

"It's funny to me. They aren't exactly dating or anything but they are both afraid of making a real move."

Russia chuckled. "Pussies."

"Exactly. If you really want something, you should just take it."

Russia glanced at America and then his ring.


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