Chapter 27: The Aftermath

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America wrote in his journal. "It's been two whole weeks since that whole incident had happened. So much has happened since then, I do not even know where to begin... so I will just have to go in order. After Russia and I had blown up all the bases, it awoke the authorities and caused them to investigate everything... however, all the evidence was terminated. The Union Regime Organization was no more! All that remained were the accounts of the thousands of survivors.

To them, it was a miracle that they got to see the outside again. They referred to us mysterious heroes as "The Allies". You would think we would step forward and take credit for our wondrous doing but we aren't ready to reveal ourselves to the world quite yet. Our bounty hunting life was best to be kept a secret. Surely, they would understand.

The Soviet Union and The Third Reich were pronounced dead; and because of this, Russia and Germany were left with their large will, such a surplus amount of money— And good thing too! The clueless bounty hunters that invaded their home in hopes to finding Ussr and Nazi had turned it upside down. Everything was nearly destroyed. You couldn't really blame them though, the amount Ussr and Nazi were worth if they were turned in... let's just say it's understandable.

So Russia and Germany used a fraction of that money to fix up the house. Until then, they were all staying with me for a month! All 16 of them, my house has never been so lively!

All the siblings had different feelings about their dads being dead. Some were happy, some did not even care, while others wished it could have ended differently. Either way, my family and I have been trying to help everyone.

Speaking of my family, Uk was released from the hospital not too long ago. He is doing much better and has been recovering, it made me so relieved. He apologized for doubting me and told me how proud he was for everything I did— he still couldn't believe how I escaped from being tortured. It truly fascinated him along with the rest of my family. I loved bragging about it, I can tell Russia was starting to get annoyed by me retelling the story constantly. I find it hilarious.

Russia has been coping pretty well I must say. He sometimes regrets everything that happened at that wicked facility but I must always remind him that there was nothing else he could've done. He has been starting to accept that fact better. And his weird blackout episodes haven't been bothering him that much. I think it's because he no longer feels guilty about killing me and has proved to himself countless times that he would never hurt me and that he truly loves me.

And boy do I truly love him! Our relationship has been nothing but sunshine and lollipops! We put our past behind us and only look forward. I truly did forgive him for his attempts to kill me. After all, he wasn't even in love with me yet.

And I'll be honest, at first I was a little disturbed to be with a massacring bounty hunter— but after some thinking, it didn't matter anymore. I was forced to kill people myself too, I don't like to but if they are bad people and if I truly have no choice... I will. Although Russia and I made an agreement; we will try our best to refrain ourselves from killing— but we will not hesitate to if someone endangers our lives. It was a good compromise for now.

Oh! I should mention that we decided to team up, Russia was now my partner. We haven't went after any bounties yet, we needed a bit of a break. Once all our wounds are healed and the chaos from everything dies down, we will pick it back up again. My parents are very happy to hear that Russia was my partner— even after hearing the reason why I broke up with him. They completely understood and ironically, had a very similar romantic story to ours. They also informed me that they were aware that he was a bounty hunter and debated whether or not to tell me. I get why they debated about it and I do not disagree with either of their reasons.

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