Chapter 10: Sign of Love

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America slowly pulled away after kissing Russia and stared at him as butterflies flapped in his stomach and his faced warmed. He knew he shouldn't have enjoyed that and had to stop himself. Russia's lips had the softest touch, it felt forbidden to kiss. America refused to believe his own act backfired on him.

What was only for a few seconds, felt like a heavenly eternity for Russia. He could taste America's cherry chapstick and craved more. He stood over the American in shock not knowing how to react. Did he somehow enchant him with a magical spell? He felt mixes of emotions he couldn't explain. All he knew was he wanted more and nothing else mattered.

He pressed his lips on America's again. America couldn't resist it either. He wrapped his arms around Russia's neck as he kissed him. It was almost as if they both agreed that they could regret this later.

A few minutes had flown by as they were making out. As things were about to escalate even further, the inside of the car got lit up by something outside. The boys immediately stopped and sat up to inspect what was going on.

It was only a car's headlights that was passing by. That's when they both remembered they were still on the highway. They were both disappointed knowing their special session would have to come to an end.

"Shit." Russia mumbled as he climbed off America to sit back in the drivers seat. He started to drive to try to take his mind off of what happened. However, he couldn't. He blushed thinking about it. He didn't even know what to say to him anymore.

America quickly sat up right in his seat still processing the kissing. He softly put his fingers over his lips. He still felt Russia's lips on his. It was now haunting him. A haunting he wanted to embrace.

"You're a good kisser." America said while softly smiling.

Russia wished America wasn't so opened to speak his mind at a time like this. He kept his eyes glued to the road and ignored his face heating up.

America tilted his head. "I don't understand why you withdraw yourself. I know you kissed me and liked it. And you know that I kissed you and liked it. There isn't a reason to feel ashamed. If it makes you feel more comfortable, it could be our little secret."

Him saying that slightly reassured Russia. He thought for a second before responding. Russia turned his head over to America and then faced the road again. "I wish it were that simple. Kissing is sacred and under no circumstances, should be fooled around with. We should not have done that and you know it."

America's smile faded away. He waited a bit before saying "You're right." He looked out the window. "We should forget it ever happened." He didn't want to push it aside but he knew it was probably for the best.

Russia was shocked at how easily he agreed with him. "Yeah...thank you." Part of him was upset America didn't persist.

America nodded as he stared out the window.

Russia looked back at him. He saw him in a completely different light that he couldn't unsee. He tried reminding himself of the reasons why he hated him but he was blinded by his new emotions towards him he couldn't quite explain.

"Before I drop you home, would you mind if I picked up food for you?" Russia asked him.

America looked over at him. "Uh...sure I guess? I'm not going to try to stop you if you do."

"Good. What are you craving?" Russia asked.

America stared at Russia's lips.


He was interrupted from zoning out. "Sorry I was thinking—McDonald's will be fine."

"Ok." Russia said as he started to change his route.

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