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Xie Lian could not sleep at all. He was still thinking about Hua Cheng and his morningstar , and the warm touch of lips on his hand, and the way he looked at him so intensely. Just the mere thought of that was making him blush. He tossed and turned for the whole night until the sun had risen and he finally decided to forgo sleep together and started to work on Mo Xuanyu's body. He needed to find out more about the array that had been put on him, since every array carried a distinctive energy of the people who casted them. So he woke up, washed his face, drank the special tea that Feng Xin prepared for him, and moved to the lab.

First thing he did there was chanting a word of comfort from the sutra, to let Mo Xuanyu's soul rest and reincarnate in a better situation that he was in . After that, he made a scanning array, which made him able to detect for any trace of other supernatural marks and distinguished the signature of the caster. Strangely, he didn't find any. The only array he found was the one hidden in Mo Xuanyu's head and it was a pretty basic sealing array that anyone who studied the array could break in under five minutes.
But when he spoke to Shen Qingqiu about it, he told him about the murder of Mo Xuanyu just minutes before the array was activated, and he even had proofs in the picture.

"You mean, someone actually killed Mo Xuanyu just right before the array was activated?" Xie Lian examined the photos that Liu Qingge retrieved from Wen Ning's laptop. "Geez, that girl was so vicious doing things like that to another girl… well, boy , but no one knew about it, right?" But when he saw the series of next photos, his expression went tense.
"Who took this picture?"
Shen Qingqiu never saw Xie Lian get angry, or even remotely ruffled by anything. In fact, he was like the actual embodiment of some higher being with him being so flawless, unflappable, and kind toward anyone as long as he knew him. But now, seeing the photos, he was furious with something, it even made his eyes glow red, a sign that his emotion went awry. Shen Qingqiu quickly signaled Feng Xin and Mu Qing, and they understood right away. 

Dianxia was not supposed to get angry, or else he would destroy everyone and everything in his path, and it would not be pretty. But before anyone could do anything, the door to the lab was opened, and entered Hua Cheng, Lan Wangji, Yuwen Xing and baby Wei Wuxian. When Xie Lian looked at them, all of his anger suddenly dissipated and he became a puddle of goo. And although he was cooing Xianxian, Shen Qingqiu suspected that it was another person's presence all along that calmed him down.
Xie Lian was busy focusing on smooching baby Xianxian although she protested by hiding under Lan Wangji's neck, when Hua Cheng suddenly appeared behind him and whispered in his ear, like a long lost lover.

"Dianxia, is there something that bothers you? You seemed rather flustered just now. Anything I can do to help?"
Xie Lian quickly stepped back from Hua Cheng's too-close-for-comfort presence with a slight blush in his ears.
Damn, he looked so cute.  
Hua Cheng really had to restrain himself now, when all he wanted to do was take his Dianxia and owned him. But he had to be patient, he already waited for more than half his life, he could wait a little bit more.
"We're just talking about Mo Xuanyu's murder. It seemed that that Wen boy caught the actual murder in his photos." Shen Qingqiu helped Xie Lian answer when he saw the latter was stammering like an idiot, and he showed them the photos from Wen Ning's laptop. "And the Wen boy did nothing to help, just taking pictures like a stalker he is." Shen Qingqiu was angry too, because that was too much, even for him. The Wen boy could have called for help, or did something else, but instead he just hid there and took perverted pictures of the object of his desire, being killed in front of his eyes rather ruthlessly.
Lan Wangji shifted the girl to his mother and went to examine the photos closer. It was very graphic photos of a group hazing gone wrong. Or not. He could see the hatred in Meng Yiran's eyes when she saw Mo Xuanyu was beaten to death by her minions, and he also saw the resigned face that Mo Xuanyu had, right before his apparent death. His heart clenched, knowing that Mo Xuanyu's heart and mind had already died even before his body did. But he could do nothing, since the perp had long died. The most he could do was give this series of photos to Detective Jiang and let him take care of the other kids who did the hazing.
Then he clicked on the next series of photos. They were taken at high speed in bursts with a long scope, so it was like watching a movie when you clicked it fast enough.
It was blurred, and dark. But he could make the outline of someone in a dark robe approaching Mo Xuanyu's body, and shortly after, there was a faint green glow on top of Mo Xuanyu's head, and in the next photos, that someone had disappeared. But somehow Lan Wangji's sharp eyes caught something in the previous photos that had been unregistered until just now.
"Go back a few frames, right before the hazing."
Liu Qingge did that quickly with his nimble hands. He was used to be Wei Wuxian's partner and back up when they did the hacking, so his speed was not lacking from The Grim Reaper himself, especially not in this kind of child's play.
"There." Lan Wangji pointed at a lone figure who stood a little bit behind from all the crowds. "Zoom in."
When they all saw who was standing behind Meng Yiran, smirking like the world belonged to him, they were speechless.
"I'm thanking my parents in heaven for giving birth to just me instead of having siblings. Or step siblings." Shen Qingqiu made a cross sign and kissed his fingers.
"That's… Jin Zixun?" Yuwen Xing knew that the Jins' internal relationship was bad, but she never thought that it was this bad. "He was the one behind Mo Xuanyu's abuse?" Although Yuwen Xing only met Mo Xuanyu when Wei Wuxian's soul was in it, she was quite taken with his outside appearance. She never knew that the real Mo Xuanyu was being abused to the point of homicide.
"Seems like we have to do something, mom. We haven't even tally our loss the last time she humiliated us and almost killed my lover, and Xue Qing." Lan Wangji took baby Xianxian from his mother's embrace and nuzzled her. "I will make sure that they have more thoughts about harming our family again. In the way that will hurt them the most."

remnants of you 🔞(Angel Devourers #2) WangXian FFWhere stories live. Discover now