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At eleven hundred hour to the dot, all of them were already inside the lab, including Chen Yu. We Wuxian insisted that none of them should come in contact with the nanites, since it acted like it was alive, and able to detect life sources around it. Wei Wuxian was afraid that it would accidentally fuse with one of his friends, so he put the nanites in a vial and locked it inside the vacuum chamber with a high powered microscope pointed at it. They all could see from the monitor in front of them anything that the microscope could see and right now, all they could see was millions of nanites that resembled jellyfish with its five long legs. They could see the little claws on those things, and they held onto the blood platelets as if their lives depended on it. Well, in a way, their lives did depend on it. 

Unfortunately, the blood had shown the sign of decay, since they were separated from their owner, and it would be a matter of time before the nanites became inactive, or worse, self detonated. He was willing to bet it was the latter since this was all connected to Kingpin and Qi Rong. Wei Wuxian wondered if Kingpin was actually Qi Rong, but judging from that psycho personality, he would not be able to plan something this elaborate. There must be someone else behind him that orchestrated the whole thing, and he wondered who.

"Do you know how dangerous this is?" Wei Wuxian spoke to the air, but he mostly directed his question to Xie Lian, who looked like he had eaten something bad and now he was feeling the consequence. "If it really is the worst, when the host body is killed, there will be an explosion." Wei Wuxian rapped his fingers on the table and fell into deep thoughts. Surely he had destroyed everything back then…?

"Is there any way to neutralize this… walking time bomb?" Shen Qingqiu asked the question. It would be a disaster if someone out there put nanites bombs inside of random people then killed them.

"First we have to determine if the nanites were indeed a time bomb. Second, It will take some time to make the antidote." 

"Who was crazy enough to make this kind of nanites? This is the first time I have ever seen something this… sophisticated. It's elegant, genius, and deadly at the same time. Wonder who the inventor was. Must be some mad genius." Chen Yu, who specialized in nanotechnology, was in awe, because this kind of tech was not supposed to be available until oh, maybe twenty, thirty years in the future. If they were lucky enough, or if there was someone smart enough to figure out how these nanites were supposed to act, in one way they were repaired, but if there was nothing to repair they would self detonate and destroy everything, including themselves, so no trace would be left and no one else could study and reproduce them. It was a perfect killing machine, and it would make a perfect super soldier.

Lan Wangji looked at Wei Wuxian, who seemed to be embarrassed, and fiddling with his fingers. Then everything clicked in his mind.

"Are you the one who created the nanites?" He asked Wei Wuxian who looked back at him with surprise in his eyes. But then he sheepishly nodded and sighed, followed by audible gasps from their friends.

"Well, it was a side project back when Hanguang Jun was relentlessly pursuing me, and I had to hide for a period of time. I had nothing to do, so I kinda… created the nanites. It was just for fun, I swear to god."

"This is the first time I heard about this. Couldn't you just create a lego building, or learn to cook, or to knit for chrissake?" It was the first time Shen Qingqiu heard about this madness and he was pissed because Wei Wuxian did not tell him about it. "And who in the world would create a perfect killer nanites as their side project because it was fun?" Well, only Wei Wuxian apparently.

"In my defense, I destroyed all the early prototypes… and the notes I made… I think." He was doing the project inside an abandoned lab which had all the tools he needed, but when he was told that the coast was clear, he destroyed everything. Or didn't he? He wasn't so sure because at that time he was lusting for Hanguang Jun, and he was in the middle of a case when suddenly his cover was compromised and he needed to get away as soon as possible. Maybe his head was not in the right place after all. And maybe he left some prototypes and his notes. It was so small. Fuck.

remnants of you 🔞(Angel Devourers #2) WangXian FFWhere stories live. Discover now