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"How do I look?" 

Wei Wuxian twirled in front of Lan Wangji, showing off his long backless white and blue qipao, embroidered with a beautiful crane and official Lan's symbol, clouds. The buttons were also made from the highest quality blue ribbon, and the most important thing was the Yuwen's family crest jade necklace that Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji each wore a half of it. The right part of his long hair was lifted with a white jade comb, another gift from Lan Wangji.

"Like a goddess that you are." Lan Wangji, who wore an all white suit with blue Lan's cloud embroidery identical to the dress, hugged Wei Wuxian from behind and kissed his neck. "I gather that you don't wear anything else under this dress?" And just to make sure, Lan Wangji's fingers trailed the chest part of Wei Wuxian's dress and purposely thumbed his nipples, making him gasp. "And what about down there?" He continued to trail every curve and slid inside the dress until he touched the part that he was looking for. "I think your body is so in tune with mine, so it only takes the slightest touch just to make you this wet." 

"Lan Zhan…" Wei Wuxian protested weakly, but when Lan Wangji suddenly carried him and put him on the desk then opened his dress to go down on him, he was at a loss for words and started to enjoy the Second Young Master Lan's perfect service.

"We are so late." Wei Wuxian was flustered when they entered the Yuwen's main residence. It was already crowded from the incoming people, very important people, from all over the world. Not that it bothered Wei Wuxian much since he had seen his shares of Kings and Dictators, and so many more.

"It's your fault, you know." Lan Wangji got out of the car and opened the door to Wei Wuxian. 

"Why is this my fault? It was you who devoured me like a beast you are." Wei Wuxian pinched Lan Wangji's waist playfully. He did not have any objection about Lan Wangji's sexual prowess, or his tendency to do whatever he wanted to him, ignoring the time or place. Well, he could do whatever he wanted since he was the heir of one of the most powerful families in the world. Thankfully he did not turn out to be like any of the Jin's heirs, or the Wen's. Thanks to his parents and grandfather's strict education.

"You smell too good not to be eaten." Lan Wangji kissed Wei Wuxian softly, and it made him melt like a puddle of lovesick jellyfish.

"Guys…" they heard Hua Cheng called for them, and when they turned around to look at him, he had Xie Lian beside him, with the two bodyguards behind them in frowning faces. "Everything is in place, in case of… unwanted intruders, just as we planned."

"Speaking of unwanted intruders…" Xie Lian coughed lightly as he looked at Wei Wuxian with a grin. "I have an intel that Little Sparrow was on her way here. She's probably going to crash the party or maybe old Yuwen invited her." Xie Lian almost giggled when he saw Wei Wuxian's expression. "Either way, you better be prepared since she will definitely throw a tantrum if she sees you in this form." He finally laughed when he saw Wei Wuxian's pale face.

"Who's Little Sparrow?" Lan Wangji asked Xie Lian. He was curious about this unexpected development.

"She's… well, she's our distant cousin, and she had a huge crush on Xianxian here, back when he was in his male form." Xie Lian grinned and Wei Wuxian groaned, remembering all the things that Little Sparrow did to get his attention.

"Oh? Interesting." Lan Wangji looked at Wei Wuxian, who looked like he wanted to escape, but Lan Wangji's hand was clamped tight on Wei Wuxian's waist. "Let's greet Grandfather first before he'll get busy with other guests."

They all walked inside to find Grandpa Yuwen, who was talking to a couple of foreigners, and he lit up when he saw the four of them. Especially when he saw the Yuwen's family crest jade necklace that his grandson and their goddess wore together. Yuwen Mo beamed when he realized that it meant his favourite grandson had already chosen his bride, and he could not be more happier with his choice.

remnants of you 🔞(Angel Devourers #2) WangXian FFWhere stories live. Discover now