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Lan Wangji took Wei Wuxian to his penthouse apartment on top of Cloud Recess Hotel, which occupied the topmost three floors and had a private pool, garden, and helipad on top of the building, privy to only him. He rarely used it ever since he had the amnesia six months ago, but he used to stay there instead of the family home. Fortunately Xiao Xingchen always kept the place clean and stocked the fridge with non-perishable food.

They entered the penthouse via a private elevator, which could only be accessed by palm prints, then the door opened to reveal another door that required iris scanning and voice recognition.

"I'll set you up with a customized A.I here later." Wei Wuxian poked Lan Wangji's arm. "This is too outdated for the heir of the pioneer in Artificial Intelligence, don't you think?" He purposely teased him.

"Yes, please do. I've been meaning to do that, but… something always came up." Like your kidnapping, or your death .
They entered the penthouse and Wei Wuxian's jaw dropped. 

The three floors were merged into one high-ceilinged, spacious room, with one whole wall facing out to the city made out of glass, french style. The roof was also made out of the same one way glass panels, and in the dawn like this, the view was breathtaking. The tall french door led outside to a pool, jacuzzi, and wooden deck with fireplace, surrounded by comfortable looking couches, and a huge saltwater aquarium, which served as the divider between the outside and the inside.

The living room was spacious, with hardwood floors and thick carpets. The sofas were comfortable looking dark colored leather with dark colored throw pillows, facing a huge TV that was mounted on the dark wooden wall. The coffee table was made from a huge slab of tree trunk. But the main attraction was the dark wall made of mahogany panelling, with glass racks showcasing bottles and bottles of liquors, from top to bottom, with a huge professional bar at the end. This penthouse apartment was so very different from what Wei Wuxian imagined Hanguang Jun would prefer. He thought that the Ice Prince's personal place was as cold as his nickname, all steel and glass with white as the main color. But this? It was different, and he liked it so much. In a way it reminded him of his own bachelor pad, although his was much more cluttered with trivial things, and not this organized.

He saw the grand piano that was sitting on the corner, right beside the bar, and a traditional hand painted black shoji screen with the golden image of a dragon and a phoenix, separating the living room and the dining room. The dining room table was also made out of a dark colored tree trunk, with eight seats and the kitchen was designed like a professional one complete with black marble island and wooden slab to cut the ingredients with the built in trash compactor. 

The guest bedrooms were on the second floor which also had windows facing the skyline, and each of them had the ensuite, and walk in closets. There were three guest bedrooms there, connected to a game room in the middle with a pool table and mini theatre.

Then, at the left hand side, there was a stairway made from stone and dark wood, to the third floor loft, which was Lan Wangji's room, ensuite, private office and library. 
"Lan Zhan…" Wei Wuxian gasped after he saw the contents of the bar, the first thing he checked when he entered the penthouse, "can I move in?"

Lan Wangji chuckled as he ruffled his hair which was matted by dried blood and mud.

"Do you really have to ask?"

"Well, yeah?" Wei Wuxian pouted, but Lan Wangji dragged him onto the third floor, where his bedroom was, and showed him the ensuite. The room was big, with hardwood floors and thick dark carpet. One of the walls and the ceiling were also made from one way glass panels. It gave off the feeling of sleeping under the stars. Overall, it was a very modern, masculine, yet comfortable apartment. Wei Wuxian could live there forever.

"Go, take a shower, or a bath, or whatever you like. The essential oils you like are there in the corner, and the door on the left leads to the walk in closet. You can find your favorite white shirt there, and also your clothes and everything you may need. I'm going to make a phone call to the police while you take your time, capisce?"

"Aye aye, Sir!" He mocked salute Lan Wangji, who chuckled, then walked into the ensuite, and gasped again. The bathroom was spacious, which led to the outdoor stone jacuzzi, and pool. There was also a black huge circle-shaped outdoor shower and huge black marble bathtub outside, and it looked very tempting. After thinking about it for a second, he gave up and crawled inside the bathtub outside under the stars. The sky was so beautiful with its gradual lightening color with the stars still visible to the naked eyes. He sighed happily while immersing himself inside the huge amount of bubbles and felt himself relaxed after a while, then he closed his eyes.

He had a dream about drowning in deep dark water. He felt so helpless, and he hated how his life ended before it began, especially when he already found his soulmate. And he woke up with a gasp.

It was still looking dark outside, but he was already in a bed, buried under a thick blanket, and he was naked underneath. He didn't remember how he got into the bed in the first place since the last thing he remembered was lying under the stars inside a warm and comfortable bathtub. Speaking of which… he heard a light knock on the door, and soon it was opened by Lan Wangji, who brought a tray filled with milk, tea, freshly squeezed juice, assorted fruits and pastries, scones, jam, and he put it on the table then he came to fetch Wei Wuxian.

"I know you're awake already. I brought you breakfast, come, let's eat before we go to the hospital." Lan Wangji pushed a button on the remote control and the room suddenly became bright.

"What time is it?" Wei Wuxian was wincing by the sudden explosion of light from the rooftop glass. The glass was darkened by some kind of nanotechnology that was controlled by the remote. He could upgrade them all with the installment of the A.I and probably the nuclear core, so it would not depend on electricity alone. He just couldn't wait to see Lan Wangji's face when he found out that his apartment was running on nuclear power; that must be a priceless look. Wei Wuxian suddenly felt happier and became awake.

"It's already nine. You were sleeping like a log inside the bathtub, and I have to carry you inside and dry you up." Lan Wangji sent a look of blatant once over, before he smirked. "I must say, Wei Ying, if I was just a little less of a gentleman, you're definitely not going anywhere for a while." He gave Wei Wuxian a kiss on his forehead, and Wei Wuxian blushed hearing the teasing remarks. God, this man was too much for his poor heart… 
"Here, wear this." Lan Wangji gave him a thick bathrobe that he just took out from the bathroom. "Eat your breakfast and then go change. We have an appointment at the police station at eleven." He then waited until Wei Wuxian wore the bathrobe, and then proceeded to feed him until he almost exploded.
Sometimes Lan Wangji wondered, while he fed Wei Wuxian, who obediently opened his mouth and chewed everything. The body was supposed to be a biotechnology that was already extinct millennia ago. Did it need nourishment like humans? Would it get hurt? How was the healing speed and process? Could it reproduce? But he guessed that only Xie Lian knew the answer, and he would not give it away without something in return. Later, when they finished their project, he would definitely ask Xie Lian.

After almost finishing the whole tray of food, Wei Wuxian went to the walk-in closet and chose a black tank top with black jeans, tied his long dark hair back in a high ponytail, and took a black leather biker jacket. He completed the look with black military boots, and went outside to see Lan Wangji. Together they went into the hospital to see the girl he saved last night and tried to find out what happened to her.

remnants of you 🔞(Angel Devourers #2) WangXian FFWhere stories live. Discover now