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He Xuan locked the door to his old bedroom in Yuwen's mansion behind him and he turned around to face Shi Qingxuan.

"So," he came closer and tilted Shi Qingxuan's face upward, "a Princess, huh? Was that the reason why you ran away? Because you were ashamed to be… associated with a commoner like me?"

"I can explain…" Shi Qingxuan suddenly felt hot by the reprimanding tone of He Xuan's words, "... Master." Then she got down on all four without waiting for any command. "But for now, please punish me for being a bad girl."

He Xuan became quiet. He did not expect that the woman would do… this. His anger and frustration just dissipated like smoke, replaced by a sudden hot flare in his lower belly that caused all the blood to run downward, making him want to do… things to her.

He walked closer and lowered himself down, then grabbed Shi Qingxuan's face with his big hand.

"So, this is how you're gonna play huh?" He Xuan smirked, and it caused Shi Qingxuan to have heart palpitation. She could feel that her panties had become wet from that reprimanding tone alone, and it was the reason why she ran away that night. She was afraid of how much she enjoyed the game, and after six months of unsuccessfully trying to move on, she planned to look for the man again after Grandpa Yuwen's birthday party. 

And here he was, looking as handsome and as intimidating as she remembered.

"But not now, sweetheart. We have to attend the party first." He Xuan pulled her up. "But I have a surprise for you." He pushed Shi Qingxuan on the bed, and kissed her hard, while his hand traced the front part of her dress, and pinched her hardened nipples, making her moan. Then he continued down, and down…

"You're this wet already? What a naughty girl."

"Yes, I'm a naughty girl, punish me please…" Shi Qingxuan whined in desperation. She wanted to feel that slap on her butt again, she wanted to be tied again, but He Xuan stood up and walked to the locked desk beside his bed. He rummaged around looking for something, and when he found it, he walked back to Shi Qingxuan.

"Open your leg wide."

Shi Qingxuan did what she was told, with anticipation of whatever it was to come, when she saw He Xuan held a couple of bullet-shaped… vibrators. She gasped when the first one was inserted into her most intimate thing, and when the second one followed, she had her orgasm right there and then.

He Xuan looked at her, shuddering with ecstasy, and grinned.

"I haven't put mine in yet and you already come?" He whispered in Shi Qingxuan's ear. She was breathing hard and her face was flushed when she nodded. "Good. I want you back out there with these babies inside you," He Xuan showed her the remote control he held, "while I held on to this."

The anticipation from not knowing when He Xuan would activate the vibrator was making Shi Qingxuan hot, as she stood up while being helped by him, since her legs were feeling weak like jellies. Then He Xuan slipped her a black card.

"This is the card for the penthouse at Lan's hotel downtown. Go to this place after the party is over. That, if you dare." He Xuan slapped Shi Qingxuan's backside to lead her out of his room. "Now, act like the good girl that you pretended to be."

"Ladies and Gentleman," The MC tried to call for the guests' attention, "the next performance would be a song called A Flowery Moonlit Night by the Spring River, a poem by Zhang Ruoxu, please give your applause to Miss Wei and Second Young Master Lan!"

Lan Wangji sat on the special desk where the guqin was at, and Wei Wuxian walked to the mic stand. He tapped it a few times and then he started to talk.

remnants of you 🔞(Angel Devourers #2) WangXian FFWhere stories live. Discover now