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Xue Qing was observing Chen Yu from his behind while he installed the A.I for the virtual 3D behind the huge mirror. She was trying to be quiet but Chen Yu could feel her warm breath on his neck, and it gave him goosebumps.

"Don't you have anywhere else to go?" He was partly annoyed, partly aroused, since the girl smelled so good. And as usual, she replied to him in her trademark sharp retort.

"I'm playing bodyguard here, although I don't understand why, since that girl is so much better than me at fighting. And since she's busy, I'm here to bother you. So yeah, I don't really have anywhere else to go." Xue Qing sat beside him.

Chen Yu sighed, but he didn't say anything.

"Say, you wanna go out with me sometimes? Like lunch, or coffee… of course if you want." Xue Qing suddenly asked the startling question to Chen Yu, who dropped his tab in shock and looked at the girl to see if she was joking or not. But she was actually blushing to her ears.

"How old are you again?" Chen Yu made sure that she was of age before he began to have inappropriate thoughts.

"Don't worry, I'm already legal. Eighteen. In case you're going to ask me for a drink."

"..... fine. I'll give you a call sometime after this, or maybe you should just give me a call." Chen Yu grinned as he picked up his tab.

"I might do that." Xue Qing smiled, then she picked up her phone and dialed a number. Coincidentally Chen Yu's phone rang at the same time. He picked it up to see a new number.


"So, are you free tonight for a drink?" Xue Qing grinned. It was her who called Chen Yu, and he rolled his eyes.

"Well, I may be free tonight, depending on the boss." He also grinned from amusement. This girl was… interesting.

"Okay then, I'll pick you up at seven." She ended the call and then after thinking for a bit, she kissed Chen Yu's cheek, then left.

Chen Yu was so baffled he could not concentrate for the rest of the day, until Liu Qingge kicked his ass, literally.

"Dude, get your head out of the cloud or I swear I'll install an A.I inside your brain."

That threat sounded serious coming from Liu Qingge, so Chen Yu hurriedly focused his mind and quickly finished his job. The A.I hologram device was not as complicated as it looked. It was basically a smart hologram that could interact with customers, and adjust themselves to better suit every person's preference. And they looked very real. They could dance, or chat, but when a lewd act was initiated, the person who did that would be zapped with low frequency electricity. Three violations would ban the customer forever. That was Wei Wuxian's idea, since he did not want to use real dancers and escorts. And the idea was so ingenious, Hua Cheng wanted one for every club they owned too. They could also project singers, bands, etcetera, depending on the program. But Wei Wuxian did not want to sell it. He had the patent, but it was only for their own use. It was too advanced for the other people anyway, just like Suibian. And the maintenance was a pain, it took an expert at least at Chen Yu's degree to be able to maintain the A.I and checked for errors periodically. 

"Have you interviewed the bartenders, waitress and waiter candidates?" Hua Cheng asked Luo Binghe who was deep in resumes.

"I got most of them from my people, as per Xianxian's request since he doesn't trust new people, the security should be from your side, I just need a couple more civilian bartenders, and I find these two are good." He showed the resumes to Hua Cheng, who took and read them.

"Jun Ruoxi, twenty two, hmm, she used to work at Crimson Butterfly before she had to leave to take care of her sick father." Hua Cheng looked at one of the resumes. "Should be good if she used to work at Crimson Butterfly." Then he looked at the other one. "Yan Qing, twenty one, also from Crimson Butterfly? What's with my people run away to work here?" Hua Cheng chuckled, but he knew that the turnover for a bartender job was very high, so he approved both of them since it would be easier to teach them.

remnants of you 🔞(Angel Devourers #2) WangXian FFWhere stories live. Discover now