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Lan Xichen was walking to the exit to have a smoke when he bumped into a young woman with her dress in tatters, whom he recognized as Stella Lin, his uncle's wife pop idol niece. She was crying near the exit so he quickly took off his jacket to cover her, when she turned around and looked at him in surprise. Her face was streaked with eyeliners but she quickly recognized her saviour.

"Xichen gege…" she threw herself at Lan Xichen and it made him lose his standing. They both fell down on the grass with Stella landing on Lan Xichen's front, squeezing his crotch hard. He exhaled nervously then awkwardly patted her back while distanced himself from her full body hugging. It made him really uncomfortable, because ever since he dated Jiang Yanli, although he was still friendly to other women, he never once strayed from her.

"Hi… uhm, Stella isn't it? What happened? Why is your dress torn? Were you having an accident?" He was feeling very awkward being hugged by the almost naked girl, whose breasts were almost spilled out of her minuscule dress, right in the backyard of the ex-church of all places. And the worst of it all, she was definitely rubbing herself all over him, on purpose.

"It's… it was that peasant girl, Wei Ying, she was jealous of Wangji gege showing his interest in me. And when he almost kissed me, she suddenly barged into the room we were in and she tore my dress in a fit of jealousy then kicked me out… please gege, can you give me justice?" She looked at Lan Xichen with wide and innocent eyes. An act, of course, but she should soon see if Lan Xichen fell for it. It was her speciality, playing a victim, and most people fell for it. Of course it helped, having a voluptuous body and all. If Lan Wangji was out of the equation, then Lan Xichen should be the next choice, screw the Jiang girl.

Lan Xichen listened to the girl's accusation and he thought that it's impossible for his brother, or Wei Ying to do things like that, unless this girl provoked them first, just like this afternoon when she 'accidentally' tripped and tore her dress. Fortunately his conscience was still intact, and he knew that he loved Jiang Yanli and left his dark past behind to build a better future with her. So he pushed the half-naked girl away and he stood up.

"Stella, I don't know what your aunt told you to do, but you're better than this." He shook off the grass from his jeans and helped the girl up. "You're good looking, you came from money, you have a bright career ahead of you. Don't destroy it by listening to others, who often don't have your best interests in their mind." He then looked around them. "Are you here with someone? Can you call them? Or do you want me to call someone to take you home?"

Stella Lin suddenly yelled on the top of her lungs, and she slapped Lan Xichen.

"Help! Help! There's a pervert here! He wants to rape me! Help!" She ran to one of the security guys that was walking in their direction and grabbed his hand. "Help! He… he saw me walking out of the club and he grabbed me then he tore my dress and he… he…" 

If she could not get any of the Lan's brothers by her usual way, the next best thing was to force them. The rape accusation worked best, since the high and mighty did not want to stain their reputations with this kind of black mark on their pristine records. So the end game was becoming their girlfriend, or extorting a lump sum from them. That usually worked for Stella, since she did it a couple of times before. What she did not expect though, was that the guard was not exactly an ordinary security guard.

The guard looked at the screaming girl, and then at Lan Xichen, then he nodded at Lan Xichen with respect.

"Young Master Lan, are you okay? Is she bothering you?" He spoke with a low voice so as to not attract the attention of the crowd, and he grabbed the girl tight, not letting her out of his sight. He was one of the Lan's shadow guards who was being recruited tonight to do security around the perimeter, since all the important Lan's family members were inside.

Lan Xichen sighed. This girl really was ungrateful, and her words were poisonous. She did not deserve to be given a helping hand at all, Wei Ying was right to kick her out from her establishment. This girl spelled trouble if not handled swiftly and correctly.

"Yes, I'm fine. Can you call one of the guards and send her home? I need to make a phone call." 

"Sure, Young Master Lan." The security then called someone on his radio and soon after a black Audi came in front of them.

"Of course, this whole… things were owned by the Lans, right? Lan Wangji bought that bitch this club, right? This whole farce about that bitch owning this club was just a lie, she was a kept woman, that lucky bitch! What does she have that I don't? Surely I'm better than her? Why don't you guys look beyond the fact that she's only good for a side dish? I am the one who's perfect for the main wife, I got the looks, the pedigree, the background, the whole nine yards! And she…"

Stella could not continue her words since someone slapped her so hard, she was bleeding from the corner of her mouth.

"How dare you…" she looked at the one who slapped her and paused.

"How dare you to bitch about someone that you don't even know." Jiang Yanli looked at her with fire in her eyes. "You always said pedigree this, pedigree that, what are you? A dog? Only animals' breeders care about their pedigrees, and besides, you don't know her at all, and yet you're bitching about her as if you do." Jiang Yanli scoffed. "Who knows, she might be a princess from faraway country, by then you'll regret those words that came out of your mouth, but boo hoo it would be too late since you're probably already on your way to the guillotine for defamation of the royalty. Well, whoever she is, she's definitely better than your fat ass, please take a look in the mirror before you say bad things about other people, you cow." Jiang Yanli then spit on the ground in front of Stella Lin. "Take her away from my sight, she made me nauseated." She spoke to the security guard who looked at her in awe. He quickly dragged the hysterical woman out of their sight.

Jiang Yanli was very very angry when she first saw that bitch trying to seduce Lan Xichen. But thankfully, he did not fall for her trick. Then she started to spout nonsense about Wei Ying, the sweet, beautiful, and caring Wei Ying, and tried to make her look bad in front of Lan Xichen, who, of course, did not believe her. Then when she saw that cow screamed that she was almost raped by Lan Xichen, she lost her patience and slapped her, consequence be damned.

She was still fuming when she felt someone hug her from behind. 

"Baby." Lan Xichen hugged Jiang Yanli and kissed her bare shoulder. "You are so fierce tonight." Then he turned her around and tilted her chin up to face him. "Tell me, what's going on with you lately? I can sense that you've been restless, but I don't want you to think I'm pushy or anything." He then kissed her softly, causing her to lose her composure and it made her cry. "Baby, sweetheart, what happened? You're scaring me, tell me what happened, please?"

"Xichen…" Jiang Yanli knew it was a matter of time anyway before he found out. "I'm pregnant."

remnants of you 🔞(Angel Devourers #2) WangXian FFWhere stories live. Discover now