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Of course Lan Wangji heard everything, he always had the exceptional hearing, especially this was regarding someone he loved to the extent of sacrificing himself for their wellbeing. But he pretended not to hear, since Wei Wuxian looked like he was about to die from embarrassment. Fitting, since he was still mentally eighteen years old and a virgin. 

Although he was an exceptional hacker, a daredevil, and a potent troublemaker, Lan Wangji was pretty sure that Wei Wuxian did not have any experience at all in romantic relationships. Well, neither did he, but he already had a so-called relationship with the two other bodies of the same person. Alas, he should just wait until Wei Wuxian is ready. He was not some kind of a savage to force his way in, even if it's for the greater good. The cases could wait. He could wait.

Hua Cheng on the other hand, could not stop himself from laughing his ass off from the start of this ridiculous conversation, especially since he was so in tune with his Dianxia. Lately, he became so happy ever since he moved to BingQiu's house just to see his Dianxia every morning and noon, and night, and repeat. And it seemed that Dianxia had started to warm up to him. Although nothing could be said about the duo bodyguards, they were still as vicious as ever. But one thing that Hua Cheng had, was his unlimited patience.

Wei Wuxian was so flustered about this talk about… copulating, he felt so hot all over. It wasn't that he did not want to, he wanted it so much, but until he was good and ready, they should try to solve the case like it was a new one. So, he excused himself and went out to the balcony to find some fresh air, while checking the dark web for information about pedophiles. He should check himself rather than bother Liu Qingge while he was busy with something that Lan Wangji was asking him to do. So, he thought that now was probably the best time to do some hacking, to see what kind of tech that was available in his supposedly five years into the future. That reminded him that he should look at Xiao Hei and upgrade him into a self-learning A.I, just like his Suibian. Ah, he missed his Suibian.
He took out his mobile phone from Lan Wangji. It was the latest military encrypted phone, and the best tool to hack the dark web, so he found a comfy couch and started typing. 

Not long after, he already found everything that he could find about Su Ruoyun, which confirmed what Liu Qingge had sent him not a minute ago. Apparently Liu Qingge also bored out of his skull to be able to hack the dark web amidst the crowd inside. Wei Wuxian chuckled and he browsed the information dump on his phone.

Su Ruoyun was a frequent flyer in pedophiles' forum, just as he thought. He made videos, photos, and sold teenage girl's worn underwear at a high price. Wei Wuxian tracked the IP address of the computer that was used to login into his dark web account and hacked it easily, then he turned the camera on.

Lan Wangji was talking and drinking with the motley crew inside. He knew that Wei Wuxian was flustered by all the talk about sex, he let him cool his head down on the balcony, while still kept an eye on him. So when he heard a loud sound of something going down on the balcony, he jumped immediately and tried to see what was going on when Wei Wuxian opened the door to the balcony and walked in the direction of Lan Wangji and showed him his phone.

"Who's this creep?"

Lan Wangji took the phone and saw that it was connected to the live feed of the laptop, which he assumed was Su Ruoyun's.

"This is Su Ruoyun's son, Su Minshan. He was a total jerk who loved nothing but caused trouble with his other two friends, Jin Zixun and Wen Xu. Wait, you don't think…"

"I think this must be connected somehow since the first victim was connected to Jin Zixun, the third with Su Minshan, let's see if any of the victims were connected to Wen Xu." Then he showed the phone to Shen Qingqiu. "Qiuqiu, do you recognize the guy that the boy talked to?" He pointed at the man in a mask that was video-calling Su Minshan.

remnants of you 🔞(Angel Devourers #2) WangXian FFWhere stories live. Discover now