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"Xie Lian? What kind of suggestion?" Now he was suspicious. Wei Wuxian was not a religious man, nor did he care about religion at all. So, a church, although an abandoned one, seemed overrated, even if Xie Lian wanted to prank him.

"Well, you see, the church is too beautiful to be demolished as per original plan. The developer that Meng Yao hired was going to completely demolish the church and build a mall here, so instead of destroying something full of history like this, your cousin decided to let you redesign it." Lan Wangji took Wei Wuxian inside the church, where the renovation was going.

"Xie Lian is a romantic at heart." Wei Wuxian chuckled. He could understand his cousin's sentiments though, since the building was indeed beautiful. He entered the inside to see that it had already progressed more than halfway, and he could see what Xie Lian was trying to bribe him with.

The church was a miniature version of Notre-Dame, complete with the second floor circular window. The brick was still in good condition, although they needed a deep and thorough cleaning. The lawn also needed to be cleaned and weeded, and Wei Wuxian thought about the obvious use of the seminary.

"I think I'll use the second floor of the main building for my residence, the lower ground for… I don't know, a club maybe, and the seminary for my garage. What do you think?" Wei Wuxian walked into the church and saw that the renovation project was almost halfway done.

"I think it's great. Actually Xie Lian already told me that you would do that and the renov has been going on for a week now." Lan Wangji chuckled. "The first floor will be something like a club you loved to frequent back then, in addition to great food and liquor service." He showed Wei Wuxian the blueprint. "The circular window on the second floor will be the main feature of our bedroom." He kissed the flabbergasted Wei Wuxian's hair before he continued. "And the great news is, everything will be implemented with Artificial Intelligence."

Wei Wuxian turned his around fast facing Lan Wangji. 

"Everything?" There was a glint of excitement in his eyes.

"Everything. So, the plan is to give the guests a specific barcode, it can be a bracelet or we can think of something else later. Then the barcode will be linked into our database alongside their means of payment, credit cards, etc. For the rest of their stay, anytime they want to order something they just have to let the waiter scan their barcode and by the time they leave the premises, the amount will be deducted from their card. So, no hit and run." Lan Wangji explained everything to Wei Wuxian and he could see that the latter was so excited his eyes were practically glowing. "Everything will be provided by Lan's Tech. Consider it as a form of promotion too." 

"I think I have a great idea for the club." Wei Wuxian walked to the second floor. "But first, I know exactly what to do with this place, to make it our home." He grinned at Lan Wangji, whose heart suddenly did the somersault.

"I know you're gonna like it. Now, let's find your cousin to find out what happened last night… not that I'm complaining, but still…" Wei Wuxian smacked Lan Wangji's arm. 

They went back to BingQiu's house to find Xie Lian, who was playing guqin in the garden, while Hua Cheng sat in front of him, sipping tea. When he saw Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian, he smiled, but did not stop playing until the song was over. Both of them sat near Hua Cheng to wait and drank tea, and when it was over, Xie Lian smiled at them.

"Bet you have questions." He smiled nonchalantly.

"You bet I do, Mister." Wei Wuxian smiled sarcastically. "Start talking, now."

Xie Lian took a cup of tea that had been poured by Hua Cheng, and sipped it slowly, then put the cup back. He was not in a hurry to explain.

"So, you were in emergency mode last night. That's because you… did not fuel your body properly." Xie Lian tsk tsk-ing Wei Wuxian like a father scolding his son. "I told you that the body was missing the other half of the talisman, so it needs to be replenished like, every other day. Although every day will be so much better."

"... what in the world are you talking about? I've never heard an excuse like that! Are you trying to play me?" Wei Wuxian was getting angrier, but Lan Wangji touched him, and it calmed him immediately.

"Xie Lian, what do you mean by replenishing the body? With what? Why did his voice manage to entrance everyone at the club yesterday? Did it have to do with… whatever replenishing means?" Lan Wangji was much calmer than Wei Wuxian, he knew that anger would not solve anything, and judging from Xie Lian's personality, anger only fueled him for his mischievous deeds.

"To put it bluntly, your body," Xie Lian pointed at Wei Wuxian, "needs his bodily fluid to survive." He pointed to Lan Wangji, while smirking. "Otherwise, you'll enter emergency mode and start sucking everyone else's souls."

Lan Wangji was nonplussed. What kind of a body that needed such… bizarre fuel? Not that he complained…

"Uhm, why?" Wei Wuxian looked as baffled as Lan Wangji.

"Xianxian darling,"Xie Lian smiled while pouring another cup of tea and gave it to Wei Wuxian, "where did you think the name Angel Devourer came from?" Xie Lian poured another cup for Lan Wangji and Hua Cheng. "If the power source wasn't completed, this was the repercussion. Plus other things, such as you can't access your full potential, and Chenqing will be stuck like that forever. So, quick, have sex and remember where did you put the other half of that talisman." 

"Really? Sex is the only solution?" Wei Wuxian frowned. Not that he didn't want to… it's just…

"Well, there's another more… unpleasant option, which I'm sure you won't agree to do anyway."

"What? Tell me."

"Kill your contractor and eat his heart. Then you will remember everything and can access your full potential." Xie Lian smiled so charmingly despite his ominous words. "Easier said than done though, since I know that you have formed quite an attachment to this dashing young man here."

Wei Wuxian gulped his tea. He wished it was something more potent though. He looked at Lan Wangji, who appeared to be unfazed by Xie Lian's information.

Hua Cheng chuckled, seeing the interesting development in front of him. Dianxia could be so ruthless and to the point.

"Uhm, that was not an option. Nu-uh."

"I know you're going to say that. So, just think about it. By the way Wangji, no offense."

"None taken. If I could help Wei Ying in any way I can, I'll be glad to give him my heart on a silver plate."

"God, you're so romantic, Lan Wangji. By the way, have you taken Xianxian to the site?"

"Xianxian is here, and you can talk to me straight to my face, idiot." Wei Wuxian was flustered, but he tried to calm himself down. "And yes, I like it. I plan to make it just like the club I owned back then. Fully equipped with A.I, and of course floating bar. Exceptional food is also a must. Beautiful bartender and waitress."

"Just like Purgatory." Xie Lian smiled.

"Exactly. Purgatory version two point zero." Wei Wuxian became happy once again.

"You guys mean… Purgatory Club? The most hip hangout place of the year for three years straight since it was opened?" Hua Cheng was well versed in the clubbing world, since he had to manage Crimson Butterfly and a few other clubs around the world with the help of his most trusted people. "That was yours?" He saw Wei Wuxian in a new light. Now he could see why his best friend fell head over heel with this person, who was exceptional in every way, and could do anything on a whim. He admired Wei Wuxian's proficiency.

"Yeah, but Qingqiu and Binghe were the ones who managed it until now, and they did a great job at it." Wei Wuxian surprisingly became sheepish at the compliment. "I can't do the management thing, if it was me, the club would close in a few months, top. So I will need your help too, Lan Zhan, Hua Cheng."

"I will be honored to help you manage Purgatory." Hua Cheng grinned. He was very excited, since Purgatory was his benchmark in building all their clubs. And now, the elusive mastermind behind it all turned out to be the fiance of his best friend. 


remnants of you 🔞(Angel Devourers #2) WangXian FFWhere stories live. Discover now