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What the fuck?

He Xuan cursed inwardly when he saw the figure who came out of the chopper. He knew that figure well, hell, they spent one beautiful night together, before she suddenly disappeared on him. He was trying hard to locate her to no avail, and now he wondered if she actually did not want to be found since she was a Princess and all.

But still, it hurt.

He was initially surprised when he saw Lan Wangji's fiance, because she looked like she could be her sister, just different height and eye color. He wanted to ask her if she had a sister stashed somewhere, when he heard the chopper land. And that's when his second surprise happened.

It was her. 

He was sure of it.

The mischievous green eyes, the luscious lips, the face that could launch a thousand ships, and she was hugging and kissing Lan Wangji's fiance. What are the odds?

Then he heard that they were cousins. And they were also cousins with Hua Cheng's Dianxia.

Of course…

He was pondering if he should come over and talk to her, asking for an explanation… any explanation, when her green eyes fell on him, and he could see clearly the confusion, at first, then the realization, and the horror. She was about to have a heart attack right there, when he approached them along with Hua Cheng and Xie Lian.

"So, Qingxuan, let me introduce you to Hua Cheng, he's Xie Lian's other half, and this is He Xuan, the three of them happened to be godbrothers." Wei Wuxian introduced them to each other and he could see the surprise in her eyes when she saw He Xuan.

Huh, interesting…

And apparently not only Wei Wuxian who saw that blatant expression in the Princess' face, all of them did.

"Do you know each other?" Hua Cheng asked He Xuan, who looked like a statue, just standing there without saying anything. But his clear grey eyes told them otherwise.

"No." He Xuan answered, but his stormy eyes betrayed him, and the way Shi Qingxuan wriggled like her ass was on fire also proved otherwise.

Oooh, this was interesting… 

It seemed that Wei Wuxian and Xie Lian had the same thought in their minds as they looked at each other and then pushed Shi Qingxuan to the direction of He Xuan and quickly dragged their respective partners out of there.

Shi Qingxuan was very surprised when she felt the push and she almost fell out of balance when a pair of strong arms caught her. She looked up to see the enchanting grey eyes that haunted her dreams ever since she left him, six months ago.

Back then, when she heard that Wei Wuxian was dead, she quickly went to try to find him, the person that she loved so much, and planned to get revenge on whoever did this to him. But after a while she did not get any news at all, as if it was hidden by someone powerful–now that she thought about it, it must be Xie Lian's doing–she was devastated and went for a drink, or ten.

As pampered as she was, she did not know about the harsh reality of real life outside the place where she was born and raised. So when a group of young and rich chaebols started to hit on her, giving her drinks laced with aphrodisiac, and took her to some quiet place, she did not realize that she was about to be gangraped, until a tall, dark, brooding and very handsome man, saved her by telling the chaebols to get lost or he would contact their parents. 

At first, they ignored the man, until one of the chaebols–who happened to go with his father to one of his important meetings with the Yuwen's Corp–remembered where saw the man in all black with piercing grey eyes. He was heading that meeting as the Head of Yuwen's Corporation in the West. At that meeting, he saw firsthand the Black Devastation Demon in action, and it chilled him to the bone. Since the majority of the important people in that part of hemisphere had something to do with Yuwen's Corporation, and everyone knew that the head of Yuwen's Corp was a one ruthless man who would not hesitate to end someone's means of life with the most devastating way–thus, the nickname–he dragged his friends out of there with apologies and wished that he would not remember his face or name or it would spell trouble for their families.

remnants of you 🔞(Angel Devourers #2) WangXian FFWhere stories live. Discover now