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The jail cells at the precinct smelled like urine, vomit, and something like rotten food and bad body odor and yet Jin Zixun was able to finally close his eyes because he was so tired from all the interrogations that lasted for days. His friends, Shu Minshan and Wen Xu, did the same. 

Wen Xu's father, Wen Ruohan, had washed all his hands off of his son's case, and he let the law do their job. Of course it was because of Lan Wangji who caught them red-handed, otherwise he would be in the precinct in a heartbeat with a top lawyer to find any loophole in whatever case he was involved in. This time, he could not do that, or else he would risk offending the Lans.

So, when they heard the door to the cell open, they were wondering who it was to visit them unannounced since they had become pariahs everywhere. When the man in the dark cloak entered, Su Minshan and Wen Xu cowered back to the corner, but the man grabbed Su Minshan and injected him with something, then it was Wen Xu's turn. Then the man looked at the still-sleeping Jin Zixun and he smiled before injecting the last dosage. 

Then he waited.

It did not take long for the dosage to kick in, and soon, he took all three men out of the cell, to do what he was told to do. Testing the merchandise. And there was nothing better than to let them loose on the one who was the reason for them to get caught.

Jiang Cheng had already finished his shift when he entered his apartment, to the smell of something good cooking. He walked to the kitchen to see Wen Qing was stirring something on the big pot. He put his bag down, loosened his tie and walked up to Wen Qing and sat on the kitchen stool. 

"What's cooking?" He was genuinely happy because Wen Qing seemed to be calmer these days. And she was willing to come to his place and cook for him. That was a huge progress since she refused to have anything to do with anyone ever since she was kidnapped and shot back then, which resulted in Mo Xuanyu's death. She seemed very guilty because she was the one who worked together with Mo Xuanyu's kidnapper, Meng Airan, and caused her unfortunate demise. But Jiang Cheng tried to be positive, since Lan Wangji did not seem too heartbroken about it. Which said something about his character. Other than the obvious flaw, he only admired Lan Wangji for his smarts.

Wen Qing looked at him with a smile on her face. Ever since that tragedy, she started to open her heart to Jiang Cheng, who always listened to her without any judgment. After a while, she started to come over and cooked for him. Nothing physical happened yet between them, but she could sense that she was starting to feel something toward this man.

"Go wash your hands and get ready to eat. I made pork ribs and lotus root soup, with honey barbecued pork belly." Wen Qing prepared the table and put the dishes out. 

"What's the occasion?" He washed his hands and quickly wiped it on the hand towel which Wen Qing had prepared. Ever since she came over more often than not, he noticed the small things that had started to appear, for example this hand towel. The old Jiang Cheng would have just wiped his wet hand on his pants instead of using this dainty, feminine stuff. Yet, he did not mind at all. It gave a certain homey feelings to his usual spartan apartment.

"Ah, there's a big sale on pork belly and pork ribs, so I bought them in a bulk. I made these and freeze the rest, I will come back tomorrow to cook something else with the rest of them." Wen Qing looked sheepish.

"Can you make triple cooked pork belly and crispy one?" Jiang Cheng sat at the table and started to ladle the soup while Wen Qing prepared a bowl of hot fluffy rice and gave it to him.

"Sure, I'll prepare it today, so that you can eat it tomorrow. It's better to sit for a day before you eat it." Wen Qing then took out the belly to thaw them before she marinated them.

remnants of you 🔞(Angel Devourers #2) WangXian FFWhere stories live. Discover now