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"What do you mean he went out with my mother ?" Lan Wangji was going to ask Wei Wuxian out for lunch when he found out that his mother took his fiance out for an outing .
Shen Qingqiu smiled when he told Lan Wangji the news. He wondered what this lover boy would do after he found out that Wei Wuxian was kidnapped by his mother.

"Well, they didn't tell me anything. Your mom just came in and swept Xianxian out of his feet about… an hour ago."
Lan Wangji took out his phone and tried to call his mother and Wei Wuxian, but none of them answered. His face then turned dark and he sat on the couch, sighing heavily.

"Oh, would you please just relax? He went out with your mother for chrissake. You know when he was really eighteen, he was out there alone, conquering the world. You do remember that, don't you? You're the one who tried to capture him after all."

"I remember it clearly , that's why I'm worried , Qingqiu. Wei Ying and mother are… not a good combination. It's like putting a… metal spoon inside a microwave. There will be an explosion."

Now that Shen Qingqiu thought about it, it made sense. And he actually had cold sweats when he did think about what the duo troublemakers would do together.

"Lan Wangji, you should relax and trust your mother." Xie Lian suddenly spoke from where he was sitting on the corner of the couch while sipping tea. "They just have a three days excursion to get to know each other better. Your mom asked for my permission. Oh and by the way, Xianxian is still eighteen."
Right. Like that would make it better. 
He remembered the first time he met Wei Wuxian. He got a tip that the Grim Reaper loved his liquor so much, the rarer and the more expensive it was, he would be eager to procure it. So when he heard about the rare liquor auction, he decided to attend it and to look for the Grim Reaper. He didn't know what the Grim Reaper looked like, so he just waited until the star of the night appeared, and that was when the person that he was eyeing for some time, bid on it too. The man was very beautiful. He had long black hair, silver eyes, a very handsome face and he wore black turtleneck and black jeans. When he rolled his sleeves up in anticipation, Lan Wangji could see the beautiful, delicate watercolor tattoos on both of his hands. He was chatting casually with a couple of pretty blonde heiresses who sat beside him, all smiles and flirty, just like a rich young master who could afford six figures for a bottle of liquor. And he bought plenty.

When he won the star of the night, he remembered how the beautiful man approached him and told him that he would buy the bottle for twice the price he paid, but he declined. And that was when it began. The cat and mouse game. He remembered clearly the relentless hounding, the 'accidental meeting', and the way he investigated him to find out who he really was. In a way it was like a courtship, and Lan Wangji missed that time. 
Did Xie Lian just say that Wei Wuxian was still eighteen?
"Did you say Wei Ying is still eighteen? Not nineteen or twenty?" Or twenty three?

"Yeah, it seems like he's stuck at that age." Shen Qingqiu sighed heavily. He also remembered clearly the way Wei Wuxian hounded Hanguang Jun relentlessly back when he was eighteen. It was so frustrating because in a way, he looked like an infatuated girl, to the point of teasing Hanguang Jun by going to shady bars to sing in girl's dress, after threw out rumors that Grim Reaper would be there. They had this twisted game, without the involved parties even realizing that they were courting each other. Ah, young love…

"Relax, Wangji. What's the worst that he can do with your mother around?" Xie Lian chuckled. He actually had a pretty good idea about what the crazy duo would do, but he kept his silence. Let Lan Wangji steamed a little bit, and let Xianxian truly feel that he missed his fiance, rather than being stuck with him all the time. Knowing Xianxian at that age, he would fly out of the country on day three, if he ever felt bored, or cornered. And he would not want that.

remnants of you 🔞(Angel Devourers #2) WangXian FFWhere stories live. Discover now