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Lan Wangji was driving Suibian while Wei Wuxian used his phone to find more info about Mianmian and the only way to do that was to hack Mo Xuanyu's phone. Since he did not have Mo Xuanyu's phone or its number, he remotely hacked it from Lan Wangji's phone.

"I did not expect that you only have non spicy convos with Mo Xuanyu, when you were so in love with him." Wei Wuxian checked the messaging app, which contained nothing except appointment to meet from their earlier contact.

"Well, I prefer to do it in person rather than typing it into the phone." Lan Wangji smiled. "Did I hear jealousy there?"

"You should probably tell me first what have you been doing with Mo Xuanyu before I could decide if I should be jealous or not." Wei Wuxian pouted. Of course he was jealous since he did not remember anything when he was in Mo Xuanyu's body, except from Shen Qingqiu's recap that he was horny all the time. From his own personal experience, Lan Wangji was a very healthy man with a very high libido, so needless to say that he did… things that he didn't remember. Fuck. Did he just feel jealous of himself?

"Well, for one, he was you, and I did things with you, your soul for more exact. And if you trace it further back, I also did things with your original twenty three years old male body. Things that you will be experiencing soon if you want to." Lan Wangji chuckled as he reached for Wei Wuxian's hand and kissed his palm. "I love you, Wei Ying, and only you, even though you change bodies as often as you change your shoes, I loved you, and I will love only you."

That sudden love declaration made Wei Wuxian blushed as he pulled back his hand from Lan Wangji's hold.

"I like you too… a lot. And I think it's just a matter of time until I'm… ready." He continued to hack Mo Xuanyu's phone although his heart was beating so fast and loud inside his ribcage. 

"I'll be here, you know that. Just take your time, sweetheart." Although Lan Wangji looked calm, he was palpitating inside. He was so happy his heart almost burst out of his ribcage. But first thing first, they needed to talk to Han Xilin. So he calmed himself down and cleared his head to be able to interview the girl, although he expected that Wei Wuxian would take the lead as usual, but still.

"I can't find anything on Mo Xuanyu's phone. Nothing. Zilch." Wei Wuxian browsed the content of Mo Xuanyu's cloned phone. "It was like he did not have a life, or someone did a deep clean on his phone. We should ask Chen Yu about the whereabouts of Mo Xuanyu's phone." He sent a message to Chen Yu, who promised to find the phone later.

They arrived at Lan's Private Hospital and quickly went into the room where Song Lan had secured Han Xilin. It was on the top floor where only the ones who paid top dollar would stay. Song Lan put Han Xilin there because the security was top notch and he did not want Su Ruoyun to grab the kid and take her away before Second Young Master Lan came.

"How's her condition?" Lan Wangji asked Song Lan before they entered the room.

"She was hysterical, but after I told her that no one would come here without permission, she calmed down. She's afraid of Su Ruoyun, but other than that, she's pretty lucid. The doctor has just been here and she said you can go and talk to her."

Lan Wangji nodded and Song Lan opened the door to the room for entry.

"Who are you?" The girl was already hysterical when she saw two strangers come into the room. "What do you want? Are you going to take me back to that nuthouse? I'm going to scream if you dare touch me!"

"Miss Han, we're not going to take you back to the nuthouse." Wei Wuxian moved closer slowly, while raising his palms up. "In fact, we're here to help you." He talked in a low voice as if he faced a wounded animal and wanted to make sure they're okay. "My name is Wei Ying, and this is Lan Wangji. We're investigating the serial rape and murder case, and one of… our colleague, told us to talk to you." 

Lan Wangji stayed in his place and let Wei Wuxian handle the girl. 

"Serial? Murder? Someone else died?" Her expression was in horror.

"No, she did not die, but her baby is, and she had to undergo a special surgery to take her womb, since she had been hurt. Have you been hurt too? Is that why they put you in the nuthouse?" Wei Wuxian tried to touch the girl's hand and she did not refuse. She was a beautiful girl. Petite, long dark hair, almond eyes, button nose and sexy mouth.

"I-..." she clearly struggled in deciding whether to tell them the truth or not, so Wei Wuxian tried to ease her.

"We are working with the police to try and catch this perpetrator who had done unspeakable things to young girls. We suspect that Su Ruoyun, the Manager of the nuthouse, had something to do with all this."

"Damn right he's involved!" She suddenly spoke in a loud voice, making Wei Wuxian almost jump from surprise. "His fucking son was the one who did this to me!!! That fucking pervert Su She, he seduced me, then he drugged me and he fucking raped me until I got pregnant!" Her face was red from all the yelling and she punched the pillow with all her might. "Then my parents found out about it, and because they are a fucking religious people, they told me to get married to the one whom I did the sin with, do you fucking believe that??? My own fucking parents, who prayed three times a day, who preached about their religion to everyone they met, abandoned their own daughter… no scratch that, they sold me to that fucking Su Ruohan, who put me in this nuthouse and then he fucking filmed me twenty four hours a day, including when I'm taking shit, would you believe that?" Han Xilin scoffed. "That fucking pervert put me on a fucking livestream and he made money out of it, and he did not want me to abort the baby since he will take the baby and treat him or her as his own child, which I doubt since he never once showed interest in his own fucking son!"

Wei Wuxian admired this girl's fighting spirit, and he liked her, so he looked at Lan Wangji, who nodded, and he knew that Lan Wangji had the same thought as him.

"Xilin, can we record your testimony? After that we will keep you safe, until your wound heals, and then we will help you, whether to terminate your pregnancy, which is not too late yet, or if you want to keep it, it's fine. We will help you either way. We just need your help to put Su Ruoyun behind the bar. What do you say?"

Han Xilin was quick to reply.

"Hell, yes! Quick! Get the camera ready, and if possible a makeup artist, I don't want to look like shit in the court, I want to look fierce!" She looked at Wei Wuxian with fire in her eyes. "I want that fucking pervert to get what he deserved in prison. What did you say the other inmates did to a fucking pedophile?"

Wei Wuxian chuckled.

"You're a girl after my own heart. I'll get the camera ready. By the way, Song Lan, the guard we put in front of your door? You can trust him, and only him. Just ask him whatever you want. This whole floor is closed to the other patients. You can recuperate here and leave anytime you want. To anywhere you want." Wei Wuxian patted Han Xilin's hand.

She looked at Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji curiously.

"Who are you guys?" She finally asked.

"You may say we are… The Avengers." Wei Wuxian chuckled. "I'm Black Panther and he's Batman."

"Batman is not in the Avengers!" The girl protested but she smiled. "And Black Panther is a man!"

"Well, he is Tony Stark then, his good trait is that he is richer than god, and he can make your every wish come true." Wei Wuxian winked at Lan Wangji, who smiled at his beloved antics. "I can be your Miss Potts." He winked at Lan Wangji who shook his head in amusement. They really enjoyed their conversation, those two.

Han Xilin finally chuckled and then she laughed.

"You're so funny, I like you, Wei Ying." She offered her hand to Wei Wuxian who took it and shook it. "And you are prettier than Pepper Potts."

remnants of you 🔞(Angel Devourers #2) WangXian FFWhere stories live. Discover now