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Grandpa Mo texted the destination to Wei Wuxian's phone, who then told Lan Wangji. But Lan Wangji had already known their destination, it was one of the villas at the mountain where his grandpa was so fond of, and he always went there when he was in town. It was a Japanese style mansion, complete with koi pond and tranquil sand garden. He planned to use it to have a short holiday for him and Wei Wuxian some time in the future. It even had a natural onsen in the vicinity, and he could think of a few things that he would do to Wei Wuxian once he got his hands on him. Alone.

They arrived at the villa after around an hour's drive, and when they arrived there, the guards quickly opened the door since they recognized the Second Young Master Lan's car.

Wei Wuxian lifted his brow but he said nothing.

"This is very beautiful." He said to Lan Wangji when they were driving to the top, where the villa was located.

"Do you like it? I can give it to you if you want."

"Mm, maybe later. And I can buy it myself, mind you."

"I know you can, I just want to pamper you, sweetheart."

"And maybe I'll let you." Wei Wuxian grinned and kissed Lan Wangji.

They stopped in front of the villa, and they got out while Lan Wangji ordered Xiao Hei to go and find a parking space himself. Lan Wangji then told Wei Wuxian to go inside first while he smoked outside. Wei Wuxian looked at him strangely but he did what he told him, while bringing the bottle of Glenfiddich with him. 

Wei Wuxian walked inside, and there was no one there, but the house is beautiful with its understated elegance. And the antiques? Well, from Wei Wuxian's expert eyes, they were priceless. So, it turned out Grandpa Mo was not just an ordinary grandpa after all. He chuckled. He should know from that custom bike. It was the only one in the world.

Suddenly he felt that his arm was grabbed from behind by someone until he almost fell back down.

"Who are you?" The voice was harsh, and his grab was hurting Wei Wuxian's arm. "How did you get in here? This is private property, you're breaking and entering, Young Lady."

Wei Wuxian turned to see the person who grabbed him. He was an older man, not as old as Grandpa Mo, but older than his father, with greying facial hair and a handsome but unpleasant frowning face. He looked like he was about to hit Wei Wuxian with his fist regardless of his gender. This man definitely needed anger management therapy.

"Well, I was invited here, you know." Wei Wuxian shrugged the man's hold on him, but he would not let him go. "And you're hurting me."

"Who would invite someone with unknown pedigree like you? Don't you know that this is not a common place for you to just wander around, satisfying your curiosity while dressing like a peasant…"

"I'm the one who invited her."

They both turned around to see Grandpa Mo was standing there with his golden eyes cold and hard. He was wearing a white shirt with its sleeves rolled up, and jeans with white cowboy boots. He came closer and took Wei Wuxian's hand in his, making the rude man let go of his grab, and kissing his cheeks three times.

"I'm so sorry for the inconvenience, darling," Grandpa Mo glared at the other man, "I don't know that I have to report to you regarding my guest of honor, Qiren, and what are you doing here? Guarding the door like a dog?" The man named Qiren was beet red with anger, but before he could answer back, Grandpa Mo took Wei Wuxian inside. "Ignore him, he's always an unpleasant busybody like that." He dragged Wei Wuxian to the backyard, where there were people chatting and laughing. "By the way, you look so beautiful, Wei Ying, too bad my grandson isn't here yet, but he will be, soon, but now let me introduce you to my family."

remnants of you 🔞(Angel Devourers #2) WangXian FFWhere stories live. Discover now