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Jin Zixun was bored out of his skull when he heard about a new club opening not far from where they holed up, so he took Su Minshan and Wen Xu to the place.

The club was opened in the ex-church, and it was packed with youngsters, and Jin Zixun also heard that there was free booze and food today for the grand opening. Perfect. He should be able to scout for girls there. There must be some innocent, or not so innocent prey that would check the new place in town. 

They were queueing for a short time and after that they were each given a bracelet. It was a requirement to enter the club, and it was to be taken out when they left the premises by one of the guards. For a newly opened club with a newbie owner, this was kind of excessive, even Crimson Butterfly did not have this kind of security. Jin Zixun became curious about who the owner was. And he found about it shortly, just when the girl who haunted his dreams walked to the stage and said some bullshit about Lan's Entertainment would scout the talents here, and also the zapping of the mouthy boy. That must have been Lan Wangji's doing. 

And that was it. He could hear the last thread of his restraint snapped. Why? Why did Lan Wangji have everything, when he, Jin Zixun, the heir of the Jin's fortune, was down to the last of his luck, holed up in the shit place, with nowhere to go, no one who cared about him, not even his own parents or siblings. Surely if he had someone like that girl, he would probably start to think about settling down, pumping two kids or three from her, and they would live happily ever after.

Right. As if she would go with him by her own will. He probably would have to drag her kicking and screaming like a caveman. Especially if she was already used to the Lan's lifestyle. Judging by her dress, and her overall look, that seemed to be the case. 

Jin Zixun took a glass of beer from the passing waitress and she gave him a bucket of chicken wings with a smile. He cast her another glance and smiled. Not bad. Not bad at all. And she seemed to hover around him, with her eyes throwing him a look once every few seconds. He decided then that maybe he should cast his net wider, instead of daydreaming about something… no, someone, who was very out of his reach, especially since his father was incarcerated, with a death sentence awaited and his assets all gone. He was lucky he's still out here with the police still looking at him for the rape case. Thank god he always insisted that they wore masks when they did the deed, otherwise those two stupid asses would be caught sooner than later.

He was very surprised when the waitress he was eyeing gave him refill for his beer, and a wink this time. Maybe there's still a chance after all. 

After a while, he exited the premises, and bumped into a voluptuous girl in a very revealing dress, but before he could do anything about that, Lan Xichen came out of the club and conversed with the girl. They seemed to know each other judging by the way she clung into Lan Xichen, heh, lucky bastard. Then suddenly she screamed murder and slapped Lan Xichen, surprising him and made him retreating deeper into the quiet backyard, which he noticed had a separate building. He was curious so he peeked into one of the windows and he saw a familiar silhouette of a car. A Lamborghini Sian in matte black color.

His breath hitched. He did not know anyone who had the same car as his, which was lost in a bet with that bitch Ageha in a race. 

Wait a minute.

He did notice that Ageha, the mysterious singer who never appeared again although he had searched up and down, had similarities with that girl just now, what was her name? He forgot. Was it really a coincidence though?  He got that car from Kingpin's back channel, and it was the only one in the continent, no one else could have that. So why there was another one here, inside a suspicious building behind the newly opened club owned by Lan Wangji, who took out their entire sex house operation, and happened to be the boyfriend or sugar daddy of one girl singer that looked exactly like his car thief? He knew that Lan Wangji still had not found out about who handled the automotive part. Kingpin was a genius really, since he split the three operations without each one knowing about the others, even he didn't know about anyone else who were involved other than his direct supervisor, who always wore that stupid gold mask and a creepy voice changer every time they met.

Jin Zixun's brain was already muddled enough by all the drugs he consumed, but it did not exactly take rocket science to make the connection between Ageha and Lan Wangji's new squeeze, who happened to be Ageha's twin. He wondered if this was some kind of a sick joke to prank him out of his car. Well, if that was really his car, it was only right to take it back, right? The beauty would fetch a pretty penny for him to use to escape the country, screw his friends. So, he decided to satisfy his curiosity and broke into the dark building, well, not break in, per se, since the door was not locked at all. 

Probable cause, here I come.

He approached the car slowly, and he observed it intensely. But when he tried to open the car door, it suddenly screeched with a very loud voice, making his heart jump out of his chest.

Intruder alert, intruder alert. Step away from the car or we will call the police! Intruder alert, intruder alert. Step away from the car or…

Jin Zixun did not stay a second longer there, instead he ran out and grabbed his two friends and they fled back to their hiding place. No wonder the place wasn't locked. The car itself had a sophisticated alarm, so the owner just let it sit in the dark, alone. He unconsciously started to make a plan to steal the car back, not knowing that Suibian had already taken his prints and mugshot and sent the alert to Wei Wuxian's phone.

Hua Cheng was outside checking the perimeter when he heard Suibian's screaming murder, so he ran to the seminary where they kept the car, but he saw no one.

"What's up, Suibian? Are you lonely or what?" He patted Suibian's back as he would a child.

"Someone's just here, and he tried to open my door." Suibian sounded like he was sulking. 

"Oh? Did you get his prints and photo?" Hua Cheng knew that the A.I that was installed in their three cars were connected, and they had a very sophisticated security system and backup, in case something happened to their system. 

"Of course, who do you think I am, an amateur?" 

Hua Cheng chuckled at this car's sassiness, and the next second Suibian sent him the prints and the photo.

"Jin Zixun? He was here?" Hua Cheng frowned. This was bad news. "Suibian, if the man approaches you again next time, just zap him. Make him incapacitated. Or lock him inside you then bring him to the police station. He's a suspect in rape and murder investigation and a very dangerous man." Hua Cheng made notes in his tab. "Oh and he was your previous owner. Careful, or he will be able to sell you overseas."

"Say whaaat?" Suibian gasped. "Previous owner? You mean, back when I was still an ordinary sports car?"

"Yeah, Wei Ying took you from his disgusting hands. You better be grateful to your master, because if she did not rescue you back then? You'll still be an ordinary sports car. Oh, and you were customized in a very ugly gold color. Imagine that."

Hua Cheng could hear Suibian's inner scream as he left the garage and he chuckled.

"Remember to be very alert and protect your owner, defend her virtue and honor. Don't forget, her safety comes first, otherwise Wangji will definitely send you to a scrapyard."

"You guys are so mean to me."

"Nah, just stating the fact that Wei Ying is Wangji's most important person. Just as Dianxia is mine."


Hua Cheng could hear the car sulking, but he was learning too. Good. These A.I had to think outside the box and took precaution to protect their owners, whatever it cost. He then walked outside, just in time to hear Jiang Yanli say that she was pregnant.

remnants of you 🔞(Angel Devourers #2) WangXian FFWhere stories live. Discover now