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Wei Wuxian woke up with a massive headache in his head that made him groan out loud. He knew he should not finish that Glenfiddich 1937 in one go, he was just so pissed because that man stole his Macallan R, which was almost his, for his birthday present from himself. But then the man went and outbid him, Wei Wuxian, the Grim Reaper. Wait until he found that man's address, he would make his life living hell!  

He crawled out of bed, and fell down on the carpeted floor, and cursed loudly. He caressed his tender butt and stood up to see that he was not in his room, nor his house, after he peeked out of the window. He didn't think that he was in his country anymore, since the weather was humid , unlike the dry one he was used to. Was he really that drunk to get easily smuggled out of the country? Whatever, he needed to relief himself, so he went into the ensuite…

… and almost screamed when he saw his image in the mirror.
What. The. Fuck. Happened?
He was naked and he touched his chest. He had breasts??? A nice, perky pair, but… breasts? Really?

Then he quickly looked down there and almost lost his breath. His family jewel was gone. He made sure by touching it, but it was gone, like gone gone… like it was never existed in the first place. Fuck . This was a nightmare. His phoenix thigh tattoo remained though. What the fuck happened? He needed to find someone for an explanation. Thank god his long dark hair was still there, and he did not look that different from his male counterpart. But still… 
Wei Wuxian quickly searched for any clothing since he was naked, and found a discarded white shirt and wore it. He then snuck out of the bedroom, to the first floor, where there was an open kitchen and finally he found a familiar face, drinking coffee while reading his tablet. He sighed and quickly jumped down the stairs and tackled the man from behind, surprising him.

"Butcher, tell me the truth, how drunk did I get last night that I turned into a fucking woman ???"  He half choked Luo Binghe from behind with his arms into submission.
Wei Wuxian was stealthy and Luo Binghe was not prepared to be assaulted this early in the morning, he almost dropped his cup and the coffee splashed out everywhere. He suddenly got a very vivid flashback from their earlier encounter where Wei Wuxian was a wild wild man, and he was still his so-called bodyguard slash his go-to man if he wanted anything untraceable done. Like getting rid of something… unpleasant.

"You should talk to your cousin about that." Luo Binghe gestured outside to the garden, while trying to pry off the chokeholds before he ran out of air. "By the way, how old are you now?" 

"Dude, we were just at the auction last night to celebrate my fucking eighteenth birthday, and I lost my fucking birthday gift to that fucking man, whom I'd like to fucking killed right now if I could find him." Wei Wuxian at eighteen had a very foul mouth, and a very stubborn personality. If he wanted something, he had to get it, whatever it took. That was partially Xie Lian's fault too, for indulging him too much when he was young. Even his parents did not spoil him like Xie Lian did.

So, she was already eighteen, Lan Wangji must be thrilled. Luo Binghe chuckled. But where was he?  

"Why are you smiling like a creep? I'm going to find my fucking cousin and strangle him for pulling this kind of not-funny prank on me." Wei Wuxian grumbled and walked outside to confront his cousin.

Luo Binghe was coughing for a bit, and after that he called Shen Qingqiu and Liu Qingge to come down and watch the show. 

Xue Qing was curious when she heard about a mysterious little girl who crushed Jin Zixuan's nuts at Mo Xuanyu's funeral, without blinking an eye. The shadow guards that were there, were telling their comrades as soon as they met with each other, and they were so animated in telling the stories, though they probably did not see it in the first place. So, she went to Shen Qingqiu's place, since he knew that her cousin had moved there temporarily. The little girl was probably there too.

Strange how quickly her cousin got over his girlfriend's death and moved on to a… girl? Had he gone mad or what? She really needed to see the girl with her own eyes. To make sure that there's no witchcraft or anything like that were being used to enchant her cousin. Being her father's daughter, she learned from a young age that nothing's impossible, including witchcraft, magic, and supernatural stuff.

Xue Qing was known for her stealth and her top notch capability to hide herself well without anyone noticing, so when she saw a young woman come out of the house wearing only her cousin's white shirt, she was very surprised. Especially since the woman bore an uncanny resemblance to Mo Xuanyu but the difference was her hair was dark. Her skin was the same milky-white, unblemished, soft and supple, even from a distance. And she was tall , even taller than Mo Xuanyu. 

She observed the young woman, who walked briskly then suddenly stopped, turned her head to her direction, and their eyes met.

Wei Wuxian walked outside when he suddenly felt  that someone was watching him. He always had that sixth sense about his surroundings so when he turned his head to the direction of the person who stalked him, he was surprised to see a young girl observing him with a serious gaze. She must be surprised too, since she disappeared in the next second.


But first thing first, he needed to confront his cousin, so he walked to the direction of the pond, where Xie Lian loved to spend his free time playing guqin.

"Xie Lian… what the fuck? Did you do something to me? Why am I in a woman's body?" Wei Wuxian sat down in front of Xie Lian, who played his guqin and smiled. He was waiting for this time to arrive, a time where he could mend his broken relationship with his beloved cousin. But judging from Wei Wuxian's mood, he needed to quench the flame first.

"Xianxian, how old are you now?"

"Eighteen. Why does everyone ask me about my age? But more importantly, why am I in a woman's body? And where am I? Why are you here? Where is here? "

"Hmm, eighteen, so you don't remember about your… death yet?" Xie Lian calmly poured tea to the young Wei Wuxian, who seemed flustered.

"Dead? I'm dead ? How?" 

"So, long story short, someone casted a transmigration array on your twenty three years old self, which was six months ago, and moved your soul inside a dead seventeen years old boy, and stole your body. You're with me?" Xie Lian knew that it would overwhelm Wei Wuxian, so he tried to rip the bandage in one go.
"What?" Wei Wuxian felt wobbly in his knees, and he dropped down on the chair in front of Xie Lian. "Who wants to kill me? Scratch that, I have a lot of enemies who want me dead." He sighed. "Now tell me why am I in the woman's body? A nice one, but why a woman? "

"It seems that you've already forgotten about this particular body, Xianxian." Xie Lian looked at Wei Wuxian sharply, and understanding dawned on Wei Wuxian.

"But didn't someone steal it a long time ago? How did you find it back?" Wei Wuxian checked on his new body. "It's not completed yet. You missed half of the talisman. So you used heart blood? Yours?"

"I'm not that kind hearted to tie my life and death to you, and even if I want it, someone would disagree."

"Someone? Who? Butcher? Qiuqiu?" He drank the tea.
"Your fiance."

remnants of you 🔞(Angel Devourers #2) WangXian FFWhere stories live. Discover now