Achievement #8: Why?

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Why do they moan about me hitting their head, they chose to put it in my way?

What a nerve, when they are constantly kicking me hell for leather, without a care.

They make me laugh; they say it hurts their head, causing them post-traumatic stress.

So, if I could talk, I would like to tell them to suck it up and take the money.

But my lips are sealed, to stop me going flat.

Mind you it once was worse when they stitched them up with a lace.

Now that must have hurt, their tender fleshy foreheads.

However, they would just ignore me, accusing me of being just another jealous wind bag.

I know I am made of leather and full of air, but honestly, do you think that kind of rhetoric is fair.

After all without me, they would be doing nothing more than kicking air.

F/N: For my transatlantic friends it is a soccer ball.

Why? PoetsPub 2021 Achievement Hunter ChallengeWhere stories live. Discover now